Thousands of Chinese children registered with the name "Olympic"

The proximity of the Olympic Games, to be held in the Chinese capital, Beijing, in August, seems to be the cause of this curious fact that the local press has echoed. A census of the Chinese authorities shows that More than 4,000 citizens of this country are called "Aoyun", which means "Olympic".

92.50% of the children who carry this name are men, according to the census, and the peak moments in the election of that name were in 1992 and 2001, years of attribution of the headquarters of the Games. We saw a while ago that, in addition, it is getting a lot the names of the pets of the Games, which is like if in Spain, after the World Cup, many babies were named "Naranjito".

When news of this type comes to me that tells how fashions, current affairs or mass idols influence us when it comes to naming babies, I am somewhat perplexed.

Undoubtedly, as we have seen on several occasions, there are and there will be unfortunate names that parents, perhaps without thinking too much, put their babies: Yahoo, Batman, Shakira, Tree, Snow White, Michelin, Gandalf, Superman, Harry Potter, Renault ... are some examples.

Seen the seen, "Olympic" does not seem so bad, we can relate it to the ancient Greek city where the Games arose and even next to "Iloveny" (see if you are right where it comes from), it sounds good. Personally, Olympia for girl's name doesn't dislike me.

Although it is not too clear if "Aoyun", which is the name in question, means "Olympic" or "Olympic Games", if it were this second option it would not seem so good.

Video: The History of the Great Wall of China for Kids - FreeSchool (May 2024).