Risk factors of low weight in the baby

In recent years, births of low birth weight babies have skyrocketed. Environmental factors, tobacco and, of course, the mother's diet during pregnancy are among the responsible reasons.

A study presented by the Hospital La Fe in Valencia with 800 mothers and their babies a year after birth has revealed that certain nutritional deficits in pregnancy they influence the development of the baby during the first months of life.

Eating a proper diet is one of the ways to prevent the baby's low birth weight and during the first years. They point out that consuming more than 200 grams of fruits and vegetables a day reduces the risk of the baby being born underweight by half.

They remember the importance of women taking folic acid before becoming pregnant and continuing during pregnancy, as well as an iodine supplement.

The stress of the mother and the smoking They are also causes of the baby's low weight at birth and at an early age, both in the case that the mother is a smoker and if she is exposed to cigarette smoke.

Similarly, exposure to environmental pollution, chemical components in the work environment, organic compounds (derived from pesticides or industrial waste) or inorganic as metals that have reached the fetus through this exposure at work, food or in the air, such as carbon monoxide .

Video: Low birth weight and preterm birth associated with increased risk of hip replacement (July 2024).