You made me a mother

"Today is your birthday. Gone are the clowns, the piñata and the colored balloons, infallible on other occasions. Instead: secrets, giggles, messages to the mobile and many e-mails. I look longingly at your photos and you are definitely not the same. You have become a woman at a speed for which I was not prepared and suddenly, an 18 year generational chasm separates us. I still close my eyes and remember your wet skin on my chest, your smell of newborn and my tears of emotion the moment you made me a mother. "

When we wait for a son they torment us thousand questionsAbove all, can we be good mothers? Will we give our child the basis of a happy existence and a complete personality?

These Doubts, which assail us all, in the case of a young girl or a teenager, they are huge. For that reason and for the extraordinary beauty of this letter, I send it to you. Our child, even in our womb or very young, will one day be 10, 13, 18 years old, and will learn to be himself. And without a doubt, will amaze us and we will love it every day, if that is possible, more.

This beautiful letter is written by a loving mother to her luminous 13-year-old girl. It moved me his tenderness and his wisdom. And in good part, I was reassured to think that our little ones will one day be like that. You can read the full letter on the page that I copied. And above all, I encourage you to read the girl's response to her mother. It is something beautiful.

Video: You Made Me a Mother (July 2024).