Porridge with breast milk

When the time comes to incorporate cereal porridge into the baby's diet, ideally according to the WHO at 6 months, breast milk is the best option to prepare them.

It is a great advantage for the incorporation of new foods since the familiar taste of breast milk will help the baby to assimilate the first porridge much better.

It does not mean that just at the time that the baby is going to take the porridge you should withdraw the milk, you can extract it at any time of the day with manual or electric extractor, preferably in the morning since at night it is when there is more production, and keep a stock stored in the freezer in its special containers.

Each day that you are going to use the milk you must lower it to the refrigerator a few hours before, better the night before, and heat it in a container with warm, not hot water, so that the milk does not lose properties. By adding the cereals in the proportion indicated on the package, you can offer it to the baby in a bottle or in a spoon.

It is very worthwhile to extend breastfeeding as long as possible, so the start of complementary feeding is not an obstacle to continue giving your own milk, but everything else. You can combine both perfectly, preparing cereal porridge (at first without gluten) with breast milk and of course continue with the usual dessert shots, when you wake up or before bedtime.

Video: My Lactation Drink It Increased milk Production (July 2024).