, directory of web pages for the whole family is a kind of safe search engine for children, in which access to adult content is restricted, becoming a safe tool. Specifically, what we will find is a directory of web pages according to what we are looking for on the Internet, with all references suitable for the whole family.

A group of professionals that include fathers, mothers, teachers and various specialists saupervise all the sites that are added to the search engine. There are several thematic sections, and in each one a list of pages for all audiences.

Thus, we can find pages about science and nature, about shows, about school, technology, sports and free time ... For example, if I select "The world of entertainment" and then I focus on "television", I can choose between series, channels and cartoons, and in each of those sections a list of related pages appears.

Through the searcherIn addition, I can enter the term or terms that interest me and a list of websites that have to do with my search will also appear.

In short, we are facing a website not exclusively for children, but for families, which includes everything, but everything suitable for minors.

Official Site | Curious In Babies and more | Ask Kids, a children's search engine, Children's search engine, a "Google" for children, Quintura Kids, a children's search engine

Video: 3000+ Common English Words with Pronunciation (July 2024).