The roscón is saved

The popular Roscón de Reyes It has bordered the ban. Something traditional has been in danger and could have been removed from our tables. In the European Community a law is being voted that will ban food that has a toy inside.

The demanding measures are aimed at protecting children and have been agreed by the European institutions, although they will ultimately have no consequences for the Christmas candy.

Those are going to be banned toys contained in food products in those who have to eat the food to reach the toy and in which it is not packed correctly. This has raised criticism but it is an indispensable measure of health guarantee, since the toys that come correctly wrapped will not be included in the ban.

He roscón It is saved because the doll is not considered a toy. The idea of ​​using all possible measures to avoid contamination by potentially toxic products of food and goodies seems essential.

Anyway, it is surely pending that one comes to question whether the products of the food industry should carry claims for toys to attract children, being products not too healthy.

Would you see positively a legislation that controls these practices or is an exaggerated interference in decisions that should only be of the parents?