They ask for maternity leave of 24 weeks in the European Union

We have seen that a couple of months ago Facebook served as a platform to defend breastfeeding, we now know that it allows us to join forces to request maternity leave of 24 weeks in the European Union.

As we know, in Spain the maternity leave is 16 weeks, although the extension is also requested at six months, while in the European Union there are disparities in terms.

Of the 27 countries that compose it, 15 already have a permit equal to or greater than 18 weeks. A few months ago Eva told us about the European Commission's proposal to extend the 18 weeks as a minimum time to all the countries that make up the European Union.

But now they go further, asking to extend the duration of postnatal maternity leave to 24 weeks, that is, six months from birth.

The group created on Facebook already has more than 2,000 members who support the initiative of accompanying the baby during the first months of life, a stage in which I consider it essential that the newborn spend the longest time with his mother and benefit, if possible , of exclusive breastfeeding without interference.

Those who want to contribute their grain of sand can join the campaign and send to the MEPs, whose emails appear on the Eurocamara website, the letter that appears in the group.

I do not know if it is the legal way to ask for a proposal to be considered, but without a doubt, joining voices helps to be heard further.

Official site | Facebook- For a maternity leave of 24 weeks in the European Union In Babies and more | Collection of signatures to extend the maternity leave to six months, The European Commission has proposed to extend the minimum maternity leave to 18 weeks, The European Employer against the extension of maternity leave

Video: Once upon a time there was maternity leave (July 2024).