Expelled from the Civil Registry of Talavera for breastfeeding

A mother has been expelled from the Civil Registry of Talavera for breastfeeding her baby. After calling her attention with enormous rudeness, she was invited to breastfeed in a separate room.

The lack of education of retrograde people full of complexes is unfortunate, but it is a personal matter. The really serious thing is not that there is anyone who bothers that a mother simply offers her natural food to her child, but that from the arrogance of a public office humiliate a mother and force her to leave an official place.

I hope that this person is conveniently reconvened, that the affected mother is asked for forgiveness and, above all, that the authorities at once transmit all the officials the legality of breastfeeding in public. The Association Raising Boards, From Talavera, you will be very attentive to the reaction of those responsible for the Registry of your city. It is hoped that the protest will materialize in reinvindicative actions if there is no clear and rapid response.

On other occasions similar events have happened and perhaps a lot of mothers will soon breastfeed to the same place so that the unwritten rules are changed and apologies for what happened. It has already happened in the Prado Museum, as illustrated by the photo I have chosen. There, surely, no worker can think of bothering any mother anymore.

I think in the end it will take a Law that expressly protects nursing mothers and their children so that they cease to be subject to the uncultivated potato of some. Feeding a baby to the breast is normal and natural, it is not indecent or disgusting. It is simply giving our babies what Nature has prepared for them to receive.

In confidence I tell you that I am even thinking of joining a political party to try to get it from within the institutions.

Video: Nueva Ecija (July 2024).