Why do children need to eat sugar?

It is known that children have a preference for sweet foods, but what is the reason? A recent study has given an answer to why children need to eat sugary foods.

There is a relationship between sweet tooth and growth. The explanation is that children spend a lot of energy during the growth stage and that is why the body needs to increase the consumption of foods with sugar because they provide them with energy.

A study by the University of Washington and the Monell Center in Pennsylvania has confirmed this theory and has even affirmed that fast-growing children feel a greater preference for sweets than slow-growing children.

The researchers provided the children with sugary drinks with increasing levels of sweetness and then divided them into two groups according to their preference for sweet, high or low. They found that those children with higher levels of a biomarker of bone growth preferred high-sugar drinks.

Sugar is not bad, but always in its proper measure. Let's not forget that breast milk provides the baby with sugar to meet their growth needs. The bad thing is to abuse sugary foods, sweets, chocolates and ice creams that provide poor nutritional value.

It is clear that children have a natural inclination for sweets, so an excellent alternative is to offer them all kinds of fruits, which contain sugar but at the same time are nutritious and low in calories.

Video: How much sugar is too much for my child? (July 2024).