"A possibility among a thousand", graphic novel about life with a son with cerebral palsy

"One possibility among a thousand" is a graphic novel which tells the first years of life of the authors' daughter, little Laia.

In an unusual format to convey such profound experiences, the graphic novel tells a story of overcoming and with a positive background. Laia is special and has turned her parents' life into something very special. Having a different daughter is not easy, but they wanted to explain how they learn to live by seeing life from another point of view.

Laia was born with cerebral palsy and this "possibility among a thousand" was something unexpected and overwhelming for his parents at the beginning. But they overcame difficulties and fears. And they wanted to tell it as they know best, as professional illustrators.

With this book we would like, in the first place, to pay tribute to all the people who have helped us during this time, both to health professionals and to family and friends. Such an experience gives you the opportunity to realize the great people around you.

They wanted to bring their experience to the general public as parents of a girl with cerebral palsy. Turning this publication into your feelings has been a wonderful and therapeutic experience as explained to us.

In addition, in this way, they can get talk about motherhood and fatherhood, breastfeeding and disability naturally and integratively.

Both the family, doctors and professionals in the sector have received the book with excitement and enthusiasm, so it has great potential to be liked by the public.

"One possibility among a thousand" It will go on sale on May 22 throughout Spain edited by Ediciones Sins Entido and will be presented at the end of May at the 27th Barcelona Comic Show and in the month of June in Valencia.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (May 2024).