Stem cells, effective against leukemia

Leukemia is one of the diseases that are effectively treated with stem cells., a technique that is gradually gaining ground and that in the future could cover a much wider range of diseases than today.

The Dana Farber Cancer Institute in Boston (United States) has conducted a study confirming that stem cell transplantation from a compatible donor is associated with significant overall survival and no relapse among remission patients with intermediate risk and low.

These are important data, since more than 70% of younger patients diagnosed with the disease enter the initial remission phase after chemotherapy, but a significant number of them will suffer a relapse.

Although the risk of chromosomal abnormalities in patients must also be taken into account, since it is those with an intermediate and low risk of relapse that obtain the greatest benefits from stem cell therapy.

The results of the work are published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

This is not the first optimistic news that relates stem cells to different treatments, in our pages we have talked about many cases. Hopefully the path opened by these investigations will continue to widen, and also that the stem cell donations generalize, because I have no doubt that they have a very important future in the medical field.

Video: Blood Review Series - Leukemic Stem Cells (July 2024).