Lentil Salad. Recipe for pregnant women

That we have to eat lentils throughout the year I know it, but we also know that we do not feel like eating them hot, that's why today we present this Lentil Salad recipe.

This dish is low in fat and provides us with a large amount of fiber, protein, iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus, selenium, iodine and zinc, vitamins A, B, B1, C, D and E.

The ingredients for 4 people

400 grams of lentils, 1 onion, 3 spice cloves, 1 branch of celery, 1 carrot, 2 bay leaves, parsley, 3 hard-boiled eggs, 50 grams of green olives, 50 grams of black olives, 4 tablespoons of oil, Lemon juice, fat salt and pepper.

The preparation of the lentil salad

We put the lentils to soak in cold water and leave them for several hours. Then, we remove those that have remained on the surface.

Peel the onion, leave it whole and prick the cloves, cut the celery and scrape the carrot. We put it in a large casserole with parsley and bay leaf.

Add the lentils and cover with water. Cook over low heat for about 45 minutes or until we see that the lentils are tender, but do not discard. Sprinkle halfway through cooking.

Peel the hard-boiled eggs, separate the whites from the yolks and chop separately. Remove the bones from the olives and cut into small pieces.

Drain the lentils, remove the onion, carrot and herbs and let cool.

In a cup we emulsify the oil, the lemon juice and a little pepper. Season the lentils with the sauce.

Add the sliced ​​olives to the lentils and spread over the egg whites and chopped yolks.

Preparation time | 15 minutes
Cooking time | 45 minutes
Difficulty | Low


We serve cool, so we can prepare it a good time before and leave in the fridge cooling until serving time.

We can serve with chopped fresh parsley, sprinkled on top, next to some salt flakes.

Leave the whole onion and prick the spice cloves during the cooking of the lentilsIt has a logical explanation and is the same for both, to be able to remove them without problems when the lentils are cooked.

Video: Lentil salad recipe easy (July 2024).