Traveling with babies: taking care of your health

A health complication can ruin the best vacation. If we travel with a baby, health It will be one of the main aspects that we must take care of.

Children adapt, in general, better than adults to time and weather changes. But its resistance to diseases is lower. A state of acute dehydration can cause serious disorders in our child in a short time.

Prevent, is the word.

Before leaving

Let's make a list of the needs of each family member to anticipate that nothing is missing. Since the usual medications even the "just in case" that we will carry in our "travel kit" and will leave us calmer.

In the travel kit you should not miss an analgesic for fever or discomfort (during teething, for example), the ointment to cure possible redness of the skin of our baby's culete, a thermometer, physiological serum and ear sticks. It is advisable to include disinfectant and cure material. Sun creams and mosquito repellents are essential for almost any destination.

Let's make a consultation with our pediatrician, to whom we will ask for your professional advice when communicating our destination and type of trip.

Let's check the needs of vaccination According to our travel destination. Remember that although we travel to developed countries, there are diseases against which we must protect our family. The Ministry of Health has a consultation page that recommends vaccines according to the place we are going to visit.

We leave here a detail of vaccines for small travelers.

During the trip

Although the primary thing is a good prevention, once we go on vacation we must take special care with the sanitary conditions.

In order to enjoy our family rest time, we must be careful with the diet and the weather. The main source of digestive problems during a trip is due to the intake of new dishes, perhaps heavy compared to our usual kitchen or, in poor condition. The consumption of water and derivatives (ice, cubes, concentrates diluted in water, etc.) is also to have under control.

Regarding the weather, we know that during the summer, temperatures and the sun can conspire seriously with family health. To get the best protection For our child we must use the photoprotector most suitable for babies and apply it correctly.

And let's not forget to always protect them with a hat and a certified quality glasses. In addition to ensuring your health, we will have the opportunity to bring us some nice photos of the holidays.

On the way home

When returning home, already with the batteries charged with new energy, we must be attentive to any discomfort or symptoms.

On some occasions, we bring more than memories, photos and a few extra pounds. There is certain diseases that manifest days or weeks after contracting.

To do this, it is important to carefully observe our baby's adaptation to the home routine again. The appearance of fever, rashes or pain should be a reason for immediate consultation with the health center.

Let us take into account that large areas of the planet (and Spain itself) suffer the effects of the H1N1 Flu and that dengue or malaria or malaria are present much closer than we think.

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Video: 10 Tips for Airline Travel with Baby (July 2024).