What to do if the child does not sit at 10 months?

The deadlines for acquiring a new milestone in motor development are not exact, but references to "monitor" an evolution that is similar to that given statistically. One of the most used references for this monitoring is that of sitting (sitting autonomously).

When this action does not occur in the period between 9 and 12 months, the family is usually advised to facilitate this acquisition. What is no longer so clear is how it can be facilitated, so let's try to answer the following question: What to do if the child does not sit at 10 months?

What we should not do is keep the baby sitting passively, that is, supported by the sides and back, in increasingly longer periods so that it "gains strength." This option impoverishes the child's ability to choose and his motor skills because it is done without his collaboration.

The most effective option is to check if your environment and routines are rich enough:

  • You must have an intense and serene social life with family members of reference (parents, mothers, grandparents, siblings) in which you are caught in your arms, play around and climb the adult's body ... that kind of "puppy" that It is so natural with young children.
  • We must provide some time in the morning and another in the afternoon of free experimentation on the ground with toys that you like and get your attention, so you have the opportunity to learn about your possibilities and take them to the limit.
  • Finally, we must observe their attitude. If you are a restless baby and interested in your surroundings, you will surely arrive at the seat quickly.

By this I do not mean that it is not important to review the progress of motor skills to detect development problems, but that the most convenient and respectful formula to avoid these delays in the acquisition of motor milestones is the guarantee of a rich and adapted environment.

Video: When Should a Baby Start to Sit Up? Baby Development (July 2024).