Rice salad. Recipe for pregnant women

This rice salad It is a very fresh and very complete dish, it can serve both as an accompaniment, as a single dish. Today we have chosen to add a Goyi Tibetan berries, which are very rich in antioxidants, and although they come dry they are not very sweet and with their intense red color they give a very cheerful touch to the salad. Remember that before the palate is the view that enjoys food.

This very complete salad contributes to our body among many other things carotenoids, zeaxanthin, vitamin B1, B3, C, selenium, zinc, proteins, fiber, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and calcium.

The ingredients for 4 people

5 cups of rice, 2 ripe tomatoes, 12 boneless black olives, 150 grams of gouda cheese, 1 green pepper, fresh onion, 2 carrots, 2 spoons of Goji Berries, some parsley leaves, 1 lemon, olive oil, salt, water

The preparation

We boil the rice in salt water, let it boil for as long as the manufacturer recommends.

Peel and chop the tomato pulp very thinly. We fillet the olives. Chop the pepper, carrots, onion, parsley and cheese.

We put everything in a large bowl and add the Goji berries.

When the rice is boiled we drain it, we quickly pass it through cold water, we throw it in the bowl, we dress with a little oil and the lemon juice, we remove, test and rectify salt and seasoning if necessary.

Preparation time | 20 minutes Cooking time | 20 minutes Difficulty | Low


We keep in the fridge until serving time.

We can serve it in the same bowl or in individual bowls.

If we find Goyi berries, we can replace them with raisins.

Video: Nutrition Tips: Pregnancy and Nutrition (July 2024).