The web of Peca and Lino

Some time ago we were talking about some nice characters, Peca and Lino, who had some interesting activity books for children from 2 years old.

Now we can enjoy the new Peca y Lino website, from where we can access attractive content, divided into three sections: for teachers, parents and children.

I especially liked the selection of games for the summer, or recipes for children, and we also found games on-line and beautiful animated stories, songs and material to download, including drawings to print and color at home, all in the section for children.

In the section dedicated to parents there are interesting tips for the knowledge of the development and education of our children, according to their ages (babies, one year, two years). Also games and activities to do together as a family. A section dedicated to educators, with all the published teaching material that can be used in the classroom, completes this website.

If you still don't know Peca and Lino, it is a good opportunity to enter their website To see everything it offers.

Official Site | Peca y Lino Grupo SM In Babies and more | Lucutabo, web of resources for early childhood education, Didactic notebooks: Holidays with Disney, Review books for vacations, Holidays with Disney, books to learn playing, Colorful holidays, coloring book of the Lunnis

Video: El Duende Peca Lino y el pajarito friolero (May 2024).