Pregnancy month by month: seventh month

We have reached the seventh month of pregnancy. A month in which we enter the third trimester and a new period opens waiting for the new child.

If the second trimester has been the discovery of the sensations of pregnancy now they begin to weigh. And although happiness and impatience overwhelms the mother, she is also affected by the increasing weight and the annoying ones that increase.

If the second trimester has been chaired by the sensation of physical and emotional fullness, in this month the impatience and fatigue increase. It is a particularly sensitive time in which mother and son discover new sensations.

There may be back pain, heartburn and swelling of the legs. The mother has to rest and adopt some customs that will improve her general condition as we will see.

Changes in mom's body in the seventh month of pregnancy

It is very possible that the mother suffers from swelling of the feet and ankles. To improve, in addition to having a balanced diet with adequate salt and proper hydration, it is important that you raise your feet and sleep while keeping them up.

Although we should already be taking care of our skin for months, now, with the largest belly dilation, it is essential to use moisturizer to try to avoid stretch marks.

The uterus has grown a lot and reaches the navel. That makes the mother feel discomfort in the stomach, and sometimes a feeling of tightness in the lungs.

The volume of blood has grown and the heart goes faster to pump it. In this month it is important that the blood pressure control is performed correctly to detect possible blood pressure problems or preeclampsia in time.

In addition to certain breathing difficulties due to oppression on the diaphragm, also due to the baby's weight, other problems such as urinary incontinence or constipation may occur.

The woman may feel contractions of Braxton Hicks, which are not dangerous, but you have to be vigilant to detect a possible threat of premature delivery by controlling its frequency.

It should be added that, with the weight gain, which is now approximately seven kilos, the center of gravity changes and also the ability to move with agility. It is therefore necessary to take precautions for accidents or falls.

Urinary discomfort, incontinence, difficulties in falling asleep and fluid retention are annoying but tolerable symptoms if we adjust our pace of life to the state in which we are.

Emotionally you can find yourself anxious about the closeness of the birth, and that added to the discomfort and fatigue due to sleep difficulties makes it necessary for the environment to take care of it with special care.

The fetus grows

The fetus already measures about 27 centimeters and weighs more than 1200 grams. He would already have chances of surviving in case of premature birth, although his lungs are not yet prepared to breathe air and the regulation of his body temperature would be deficient.

The lungs, though, are rapidly developing and expanding. They begin to produce substances that will allow them to adapt to the air environment.

The baby sucks, sucks his finger, swallows aminotic fluid (is learning to breastfeed) and also sneezes and coughs.

It also kicks a lot, even responding to sound and movement stimuli.

Feel the caresses of the mother, see the light through the belly and, of course, listen to the voices of those around him and especially that of mom. He already remembers and feels the surroundings, and reacts intensely to emotional storms or fatigue of the mother.

Video: Exercises in Preparation for Delivery for 7-9 months pregnant (July 2024).