Seafood and fish against depression in pregnancy

While it is recommended to limit the rations of fish and shellfish during pregnancy to a maximum of 3 per week because a high mercury content could harm the fetus, there is no discussion that moderate consumption of these products is beneficial for development baby's brain

A new study published in the journal Epidemiology reveals that seafood and fish are also beneficial for the future mother, since consuming them decreases the risk of suffering high levels of depressive symptoms in pregnancy.

The researchers noted that eating omega-3-rich seafood could improve the mood of women who feel depressed during pregnancy.

They compared a group of pregnant women of 32 weeks of gestation who consumed three or more seafood dishes per week (the equivalent of 1.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids) with a group of pregnant women who did not eat them and observed that the second group He was 50% more prone to depression symptoms than the first.

The key would be in Omega 3 fatty acids that contain shellfish and fish, a natural source for the treatment of moods, although experts do not rule out that vitamin D and iodine are also involved in the effects of maternal anti-depression .

As we always recommend, the fundamental thing is to have a balanced diet in which you should not miss a moderate consumption of fish and shellfish, approximately between 2-3 weekly portions.

In this way, in addition to benefiting the baby's neuronal development and its future socialization, we will be contributing to a happier pregnancy.

Video: Fish and Seafood during Pregnancy, What Kind and How Much (July 2024).