Testimony of a pregnant woman who has overcome influenza A

At a time when there is no day that we do not hear about influenza A with a certain alarm, I liked hearing the words of this girl. Yesterday we could see in News Four a interview with the testimony of a pregnant woman who has overcome influenza A without problems. A small grain of sand to balance the balance between alarmism and tranquility.

Beatriz, 32, is two weeks away from giving birth, and passed influenza A with the same symptoms of a normal flu, she says. He was prescribed a medication he took for five days and was isolated without leaving home for a week.

Just a point to his words: he says that the flu has passed to both her and her baby, but as we saw here, pregnant women do not spread the flu to their babies, since the H1N1 virus never reaches the bloodstream, so It does not cross the placenta and can affect the fetus.

Beatriz's case coincided in time with the death of the young pregnant woman, the first case of death from influenza A is Spain, which increased her uneasiness, but fortunately everything happened normally in the case of Beatriz.

Today we informed you that, together with children, pregnant women will be the last risk group to receive the vaccine, since clinical trials have not been performed on women in state. And although we must be cautious on this issue, I think this video, which can be seen on the Four website, can throw some peace of mind to women who are waiting for a baby.

Video: Vitamin D: The Miracle Supplement Video - Brigham and Women's Hospital (May 2024).