The important role of the father during childbirth, captured in incredible and emotional photographs

The photographs of childbirth are always impressive because they capture an intimate, powerful, raw, wonderful and natural moment, in which we see a new life coming to the world. Usually these photographs focus on mothers and their babies, as they are the protagonists of this great moment, but there is also someone important: dad.

Through powerful images of the different births he has attended, a photographer shows us the important role of dad during childbirth.

Located in Dallas, Texas, Kirstie Perez has been working as a birth photographer for six years, through which has accompanied dozens of women during one of the most important moments of their lives, witnessing the powerful transformation we went through when we became mothers.

During those six years, Kirstie has photographed not only the mothers, but also captured their partners, who accompany their women during the birth of their babies. Now, through a post on your Facebook page, Kirstie shares the important role the father plays during childbirth.

"For every soul we create, there is another soul with which we feel a connection first. The one who helped us create life. The one who looks without being able to do anything while the woman he loves groans and shouts through each stage of childbirth"Kirstie begins to say.

In Babies and more The 14 photos that show how amazing a birth is for mother, father and baby"In every delivery I have attended, men are always at the bottom, even if they are close to their women. They are actually stronger than they imagine."

In his post, Kirstie tells how the empathy they live is one they have never experienced, yet they remain silent, worried and focused on what is happening with their wife.

"I occasionally make eye contact with them, to tell them telepathically that she is fine. That she will be fine. They rarely speak. Whether through caresses or respecting our space, they are in the shadows, watching. Seeing two or more people born. They look at the woman they knew being born in the woman they are now."

In Babies and more Beautiful and emotional images that show the beauty of pure birth"They see the woman they love becoming a stranger, who somehow continues to be the woman they love. Paralyzed by the intensity in front of them, their empathy overrides their fear and they remain strong. To these men, we see them and we love."

In an interview for Huffington Post, Kirstie tells what it was which inspired her to share this series of photographs of parents during childbirth:

"Through the years, the birth partners are in the shade and feel helpless, but they don't realize how really powerful their attention and empathy are. It gives men the opportunity to see that their emotional availability can be crucial for the women they love. Are not incapable"says Kirstie.

The post has been filled with positive comments and reactions, and Kirstie hopes that through his images people can see how important it is to have a partner to support you during childbirth and team up to take care of the mother's emotional and psychological well-being.

Photos | Kirstie Perez Photography
Via | Huffington Post

Video: EMOTIONAL BIRTH VLOG! (July 2024).