Newborn care: How many clothes should be put on?

One of the great doubts of every mother before her newborn is: How many clothes should be put on the baby?

We have always been told that it is very easy for them to cool down and that is why we have to shelter them much more than we would do and following these tips what we just got, many times, is that they end up getting too hot.

It is true that babies should not be cold and it is true that it is easier for them to have it, because they have a greater surface than us for which to lose heat, they have less body fat and also their temperature regulating system is less effective than that of adults (we could be at low temperatures and still be at 36.7 ° C body temperature, but they would go down in temperature and that is very dangerous).

After this paragraph, surely many mothers will think: "Well, I overcoat him and avoid risks." The truth is that the usual thing is precisely this, that they are sheltered by more. We are so afraid of hypothermia that we tend to put too much clothes on them and this can also be dangerous.

An excess of heat can cause fever (I still remember my first child in the Hospital, all covered up and sleeping at night in his father's arms, at 37.5 ° C when the assistant looked at him ...) e you can even dehydrate them. That is why we must monitor babies so they do not get too hot.

When I say watch, I don't mean look if they sweat

Because newborns are not able to sweat as fast or as much as adults and in fact, if they are dehydrated they do not even sweat. In case we realize that they are sweating we should lower the temperature a bit or take off some clothes.

When I say watch, I don't mean touch your hands

Because the hands do not always reflect the temperature of the rest of the body. Many children have cold hands despite being hot (often trouble to convince their mother that, even with cold hands, she needs less clothes).

Not always that they cry is because they are hot and not always that they are hot they cry

Many children complain when they are hot and calm down when they are better in temperature. Many others do not and live with that excess heat that causes them to cause many people sleep and fatigue.

So how many clothes do they need?

Well, in short a little more than we carry. It is commonly said that "a baby should wear a sleeve more than daddies" because they do feel a little more cold and hot than we do, with the exception that adults move and move if we are cold, but they do not.

The ideal if we doubt is to touch the neck or neck that are reliable places to measure the temperature in a home and fast way.

Video: How to hold and dress your newborn baby (June 2024).