Welcome baby

Five minutes before the end of the last day of September, that is, 30 at 23.55, Sofia was born, my third daughter, whom I present in the photo above.

The delivery was great. Perhaps thanks to the experience, since being the third party it has been a more conscious birth, but also in large part that I enjoyed it fully from the first minute.

Until the 3 cm dilation the contractions had been perfectly tolerable. At 4 cm the pains became more and more intense and I asked for the epidural because although I am in favor of births as natural as possible, I am sure that the birth pains are not for me.

The anesthetist's good hand removed my pains without numbing or removing sensation in my legs, which in my previous births seemed to weigh tons. When you feel control of your body, childbirth is much more enjoyable.

After six hours of labor and just a couple of pushes the girl poked her head to the world all swollen, pink and warm. I could perfectly feel my baby coming out of me, an extraordinary sensation very difficult to convey with words.

The recovery has been very good since I have not had episiotomy and postpartum without stitches is something else. The only negative is that the first two days I had to mistreat the pain of the wrongs but fortunately they passed quickly.

Meanwhile, Sofia has just turned a month, grows healthy and has already given me her first smile. Every day with her fills me with joy. What else can I tell you ... than looking at it I celebrate for the third time the miracle of life.