"Count the same," stories for equality and nonviolence

The guide we present today, "Count the same" is an educational material in values ​​such as equality. It aims to provide guidelines for the resolution of conflicts that may arise from a gender perspective. It is designed to apply in the classroom of Early Childhood Education (from 3 to 6 years), although I believe that parents can serve us in many of its contents.

And it is that we ourselves can witness a certain conflict in the relationship of our children with other children and with their environment in general.

The guide can be downloaded from the website of the Community of Madrid, where we also find the colorful files that make up the stories "Libria Search Smiles in Patio I and II". The stories are intended to convey to the smallest basic values ​​in terms of equality and prevention of gender violence.

The "Count the same" guide offers interesting content such as the legal framework for equal opportunities for early childhood education or guidelines for the peaceful resolution of classroom conflicts (and, who says classroom, says park). But perhaps what we find most useful are the stories in which the different situations to be solved are raised and that will make the children reflect.

Also in the guide there is a section to take advantage of the stories "Libria Search Smiles in Patio I and II", with multiple activities, approach to objectives and educational records. I recommend you to look at the document entitled "Template for the Activities of Plastic Expression. They Tell Equally", in which you will find ideas for crafts with the little ones and playfully complete the didactic objective of the rest of the documents.

It is a material edited by the Ministry of Employment and Women of the Community of Madrid. I hope that the guide "count the same" I find it interesting to take a look and use some of the cards, crafts or stories for your children, while learning about the value of equality and nonviolence.

Official Site | Madrid.org In Babies and more | School Day of Non-violence and Peace, Andaluna and Samir, excellent website for education in values, Intercentros Project, to promote coexistence and tolerance among children

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).