"Keeping a child costs a lot of money," a mother denounces the comments she has received after announcing her fourth pregnancy

There are many large mothers who often complain about the inappropriate comments they receive about the number of children they have, as if they are such a personal decision had to be valued and judged For all who cross his path.

This is what happened to Stephanie Yang, a 27-year-old Californian woman who reported on social media the comments she received from a nurse, when she went to the gynecology office when she learned that she was pregnant for the fourth time.

"Are you here again?"

With this question, a mixture of surprise and reproach, Stephanie was received when she went to the gynecology office, after learning that she was pregnant with her fourth child. As the woman explained in a video posted on Facebook, the nurse said that "children are a big responsibility" and that "keeping them costs a lot of money."

The video, which has quickly gone viral, has obtained hundreds of comments from other mothers of large families who claim to have felt equally humiliated by the news of a new pregnancy.

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But there are also many mothers who, as a result of this thread, have sadly remembered the hurtful comments they received about the age at which they became pregnant, or the disrespectful treatment they obtained after suffering an abortion.

Stephanie states that she felt judged and ashamed, and that even he saw himself in the position of having to justify his pregnancy claiming that "that would be his last baby."

Let's stop judging other mothers

Although this is the personal experience of this woman (which for more INRI, has been starring a gynecology nurse, whose mission should be to attend and ensure the physical and emotional health of the pregnant woman), sadly I am not surprised what counts.

There are several times in which we have echoed the unfortunate criticism and comments that mothers often receive, either by their way of giving birth, raising, facing a situation, or by the number of children they decide to have.

And it is that on many occasions, fathers and mothers of large families (and I know that those who decide to have only one child) must face, not only judgments and awkward questions asked by strangers, but also to looks loaded with disapproval.

In Babies and more The absurd war of mothers: let's stop judging how each one raises her children

The good thing about social networks is that they help us to report such situations, as well as to share our experiences in order to help other mothers, or to carry out awareness campaigns that manage to end the prejudices and destructive comments that are said, sometimes without thinking about the consequences that they can bring.

And you, have you ever had to face an unfortunate comment about your motherhood? If so, has it been related to the number of children you have decided to have?

Via Fresno Bee

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