Parental love can alleviate the effects of poverty on health

When a family has few resources, the risk of heart disease and mental and physical illness increases.

It is believed that stress and deficiencies that may come from having a low socioeconomic status cause exaggerated functioning of the immune system of children, which activates genes and releases proteins that produce, in some situations, inflammation of various areas of the body .

A recent study shows that Having an affectionate or loving mother can make some of the processes that produce inflammation not happenprobably because the stress or psychological discomfort caused by the lack of resources is largely eliminated.

The study gathered 53 people between 25 and 40 years of age who lived in poor families at least during their first five years of life. Their immune systems were analyzed and asked about their relationship with their mothers. Mothers were also asked about their relationship with their children, to confirm the data received.

The 26 adults who declared that they had grown up with close and loving mothers they had a lower genetic expression in genes that promote inflammation and secreted fewer proteins associated with these inflammations than those who claimed to have distant mothers.

Michael Kobor, co-author of the study and professor of medical genetics at the University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, stated the following:

It is quite surprising that thirty years later these types of signals can be seen in their genetic expression and immune response, which can be related to socioeconomic status and maternal life during the first five years of life. Mothers can have a profound influence that can be observed at the molecular level.

The study, which appears in the June 18 issue of the magazine Molecular Psychiatry, comes to show that the love, affection, understanding and contact of a mother (and obviously also of the father and other people around a child) towards her child help prevent psychological problems that end up resulting in physical problems. In other words, to have a healthy body, it is necessary to have a healthy mind and nothing better than a respectful, loving and balanced mother for a baby to grow up with the same characteristics.

Video: The Impact of Early Emotional Neglect (July 2024).