Child safety tips in the kitchen

The kitchen is one of the parts of the house, along with the bathroom, which poses the greatest risk to children. It produces 70 percent of accidents that occur in the home.

Domestic accidents are the first cause of infant mortality, so any precaution is little for our children to be safe at home. If we take the appropriate measures, most of them can be avoided.

We have to be with a thousand eyes when there are children in the kitchen and we must always take into account some Child safety tips to avoid accidents in the kitchen.

  • Never leave children alone in the kitchen, much less if the oven is on.

  • Store cleaning items in high places and if possible with doors that are locked. Do not store them under the sink and in no case place dangerous products in food containers.

  • Place safety caps on the plugs.

  • Keep knives, scissors, matches, lighters, plastic bags, skewers, or any dangerous element out of the reach of children. Away from the reach means that they cannot reach them if they climb on a stool or a chair.

  • Never leave hot or heavy pots or saucepans near the edge of the counter.

  • The garbage can must be out of reach of children in a place where they cannot open it.

  • Use the fires on the back of the countertop and always turn the handles of pans and pots inwards to avoid reaching them.

  • If the kitchen is gas, always close the gas stopcock after cooking.

  • Place door and drawer blockers to prevent the child from opening them.

  • Unplug appliances when not in use. A blender, a crusher, a toaster, a coffee maker, a juicer ... any of these devices can cause serious accidents if the child starts them unattended.

  • When serving the food, place the hot bowl in the center of the table, where the child cannot reach it, and if it can arrive directly, do not place it on the table.

  • Never leave the baby on the kitchen floor or keep him in his arms while you are cooking.

Video: What Not to Heat: Keeping Kids Safe in the Kitchen (July 2024).