What physical effects does crying have on babies?

Almost no one believes that nonsense is that crying benefits the pulmonary efficacy of babies and, on the contrary, more and more studies show that crying, especially prolonged and unattended, increases hormone levels of stress in children, having long-term consequences on their brain functioning. However, we continue, the majority, not knowing exactly that physical effects has crying on babies. Let's see it.

The heart rate it increases by a minimum of 20 beats per minute and also the blood pressure, observing, in addition, a lower oxygenation of the blood that reaches the brain. This will cause the brain to reach blood with greater pressure in the effort phase and decrease sharply in the rest phase, so much that it can be related to cerebral hemorrhages and their sequelae according to some studies.

Above all, it is striking that cortisol levelThe stress hormone increases enormously, which indicates that the crying child suffers a state of intense emotional tension. This, in addition to stress, causes a reaction that can increase the ability to resist infections, as cortisol acts as an immunosuppressant.

In addition, the baby will swallow air, in an average of 360 milliliters, which will cause discomfort and problems to do digestion without discomfort, reaching a relationship between gastric rupture and prolonged crying.

In addition, the baby who cries a lot spends a lot of energy on this, then not being available for other functions. Your leukocytes increase, as if fighting an infection and the amount of blood oxygen saturation is decreased.

To finish, and to emotional and relational level, we must bear in mind that the child who suffers a prolonged crying does not interact with his environment normally, even becomes able to affect the reaction that the mother has to her crying, decreasing its effect on her and being able to make her feel that she does not You can take care of your child correctly.

All this is sometimes inevitable, in babies who cry for reasons that we do not calm down, but it alerts us above all to how inadequate it is not attend to the baby's cry and leave it unattended until you get tired, run out and shut up from fatigue or simply learn that your claim will not be addressed.

The data provided on the physical effects of crying on babies What I point out in this article are not assumptions or opinions, they are based on scientific studies that you can consult in full in the reference that I propose extracted from a translation of a work published in the Neonatal Network.

Video: What happen to your baby when you cry from sadness During Pregnancy (July 2024).