How much does it cost to be born?

Last Sunday it was aired on the Vuelta y Vuelta program of La Sexta “The price of being born and dying”. It was about how much does it cost to be born and how much it costs to die today. Of course, he will have discouraged more than one to have a baby considering that to welcome this world with all the consumerist paraphernalia (from which the newborn neither finds out nor needs it) a couple should disburse the bulky figure of 16,350 euros.

They have followed some future parents and a survey of the “essential” items (according to the report) that a newborn baby needs during the first months of life. That sum so high, that I have not reached the fourth part with three daughters, it is necessary to decorate the room, buy the crib, furniture, baby's trousseau, her clothes, strollers (without, in the plural, two strollers for a baby), christening gown, childcare articles and much more.

The figure seems absurd. Anyone who has no idea and is thinking about having a baby is believed that being a father costs that, but it is an unreal, absurd and exaggerated fact. What a campaign to promote birth.

There are a minimum of "essential" things that the baby needs at birth, obviously. But while for some it is essential a baptism dress of 1,500 euros, as we have seen in the program, for others the essential thing is other things. The baby has to be comfortable, of course, but I tell you after three daughters, the baby needs much less than we think. I mean the material, of course.

There are many things that are bought believing that they are necessary and then not used. Gadgets of advanced technology, gadgets with lights and sound, the latest cart model (which then does not fit in the elevator), toys that we do not know where to store, clothes that then only use a couple of times ...

You often fall into the error of hurrying, and for inexperience, or to follow the fashions you spend money on things that really are not important. Giving the best to the baby does not mean buying the crib or the most expensive dresses.

It seems that the more you buy the more you love the baby because he deserves “the best”. But demonstrating enthusiasm for his arrival is not measured by the amount of euros spent, but by the ability to love that is reserved for that son, who will only need to be happy during his first months of life that the welcoming and affectionate arms of dad and mom.

If you want to see the full program you can access through this link. Oh, and if you're curious, dying costs more than 19,000 euros.

Video: Giving birth costs a lot. Hospitals won't tell you how much. (July 2024).