The crisis triggers sperm and egg donation

We can find several reasons that lead someone to want to be an egg donor or sperm donor, fundamentally having a knowledge about their own reproductive health, altruism and financial compensation. Precisely this last factor explains that with the crisis the donation of sperm and ovules has skyrocketed.

Many assisted reproduction clinics have gone, in just one year, from having almost no egg donors and semen to receive several requests a day.

Even so, those responsible for cynics of assisted reproduction claim that many semen donors must be ruled out, since the sperm quality of the Spaniards is low (although, on the contrary, this is quite effective).

And although there are considerable differences between the willingness to donate eggs and sperm, mainly because the removal of eggs is more complex and invasive than sperm donation, the increase has also occurred in the case of female donors.

If we talk about figures, the economic compensation to donate eggs is 900 euros and to donate 50 semen, a difference that is given by the different donation modes just discussed.

Hopefully the upward trend will continue, and that although it has been the crisis the trigger for an increase in donations, when better times arrive, the happiness of other women and couples who otherwise could not conceive continue to be possible.

Video: The Male Fertility Crisis (July 2024).