Twin pregnancy: the most common discomforts in each trimester and how to relieve them

In every pregnancy certain discomforts occur in each of the stages of pregnancy, physiological symptoms that increase in the case of being a twins or twins pregnancy.

Changes occur both physically, metabolically and emotionally in the mother. The hormonal increase, being two babies, is reflected in the most common discomforts in each trimester of pregnancy.

Twin pregnancy: first trimester discomfort

In the first trimester is when the woman most accuses hormonal changes. The body of the pregnant woman is a cocktail of hormones causing some of the most common discomforts, as well as sudden mood swings.

Nausea and vomiting

Pregnancy hormone secreted by the placenta, human chorionic gonadotropin, is responsible for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Some women do not feel them, but others take it really badly, even vomiting several times a day and throughout pregnancy, at risk of hyperemesis gravidarum.

It is recommended to make small and frequent meals throughout the day, prefer carbohydrates (vegetables, vegetables, whole grains, legumes ...) and avoid copious meals, overly fatty foods, fried foods, spicy foods, coffee and tea.

Tiredness and sleep

When increasing the volume of blood more than in a single pregnancy, the heart and the organs involved work more than usual, in addition the placenta and the main organs of the baby are formed, so it is normal that there is a greater consumption of energy.

The woman is feel tired and sleepy, and if we add to this the discomfort from vomiting and emotional stress, it is logical that the body asks for rest. And now more than ever, for your health and that of your baby you must attend to their needs.

The best solution for tiredness and sleep in pregnancy is to rest whenever possible. Any time is good to give a nod, nap, after lunch, before dinner and go to sleep earlier than usual. Healthy diet and moderate exercise also contribute to raising the energy level.

Breast tenderness

Swelling and tenderness in the breasts is one of the first signs of pregnancy. From the first days, the breasts begin to prepare for breastfeeding. The high levels of progesterone and estrogens make them grow and become more sensitive, so much so that sometimes they hurt the slightest rubbing of clothing.

It may be necessary to adjust the bra size, to one or two sizes, due to the enlargement of the breasts. Those of cotton fabric are preferable, without seams or rings that can bother.

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Dizziness and fainting

Blood volume increases in the first weeks, reducing blood pressure and causing dizziness that in some cases leads to fainting.

They can appear at any time of the day, but it is more likely to get dizzy after eating or when getting up sharply.

If you feel dizzy, you have to lie with your legs up or sitting with your head between your knees to facilitate blood return. Always carry a candy in your bag just in case, if you feel a drop in tension, a candy will help raise blood sugar.


It is usually a common discomfort that is caused by an increase in heart rate from the second or third trimester in single pregnancies, but that in the case of twin pregnancies may appear from the first trimester.

Discomfort of twin pregnancy in the second trimester

In the second trimester, the most common discomforts at this stage in a single pregnancy are aggravated or advanced when it is a pregnancy of more than one baby.

Pelvic pain

It is a nuisance that appears in this trimester and lasts until the time of delivery intensifying as the pregnancy progresses. It is due to the action of two hormones, relaxin and progesterone, responsible for the pelvic ligaments to relax to allow babies.

It is a generalized pain in the area of ​​the pelvis, the English and even in the lower back, which sometimes can be mild and in others a sharp and stabbing pain that makes it difficult to perform certain tasks of daily life.

The most advisable is rest, do not make efforts, avoid lifting weight and get up carefully.

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Heartburn or heartburn

Burning, heartburn or heartburn is a digestive discomfort that is explained by various causes, from the increase in the size of the uterus (which leaves less space to the stomach) to hormonal factors that produce gastric abnormalities.

Many pregnant women suffer and it is quite unpleasant. To prevent it, avoid copious meals (better to eat little several times a day), eat slowly, avoid spicy fried or spicy foods, avoid carbonated drinks, coffee or caffeinated soft drinks and dinner at least two hours before going to bed.


The increase in blood volume causes excess fluid to accumulate in the tissues of the pregnant woman, causing swelling and a feeling of heaviness in the feet and legs.

To relieve the swelling you should avoid being many hours standing or sitting, try to walk and raise your legs to facilitate venous return. Edema can descend to ankles and feet, so try to avoid tightening socks and uncomfortable shoes.

Take cold showers on your legs, eat fruit and drink plenty of fluids to stay hydrated.


From the second trimester it is common for the pregnant woman to suffer from sciatica. It is an intense pain in the lower back that occurs when the sciatic nerve becomes inflamed. It is a pain that extends down the back of the thigh and branches behind the knee to the foot. It can appear on only one side in both.

It is caused by the distention of ligaments in the area produced by a hormone secreted in pregnancy called relaxin.

To combat sciatica, the best practice is to exercise, control weight gain, massage and avoid bad postures. When pain appears, place dry heat in the area.


Half of the pregnant women suffer constipation at some time during pregnancy. In the case of twin pregnancies, due to the compression exerted by the uterus and the slowdown of intestinal functioning caused by progesterone may appear from the second trimester. In women who already suffered before pregnancy, the problem may even worsen.

The most effective way to prevent constipation during pregnancy is to drink a lot of water, as well as to increase the consumption of foods rich in fiber (fruits, vegetables and whole grains) and exercise regularly.

A natural trick: let several plums and dried apricots soak at night. In the morning drink the liquid and eat the fruit mixed with yogurt.


Linked to constipation, hemorrhoids can appear towards the second trimester of pregnancy.

It is a circulatory disorder caused by dilation of the veins, which added to constipation causes an increase in pressure in the rectal vessels, causing hemorrhoids to appear. They can cause itching or pain, in some cases very intense pain, and sometimes even bleed.

As well as a diet rich in fiber to prevent constipation, when blissful hemorrhoids appear, you can relieve them with cold water sitz baths, do not delay going to the bathroom when you feel like it and clean the area well after going.

Discomfort of twin pregnancy in the third trimester

In the last stage of pregnancy, the increase in the size of the uterus added to the weight of the belly produces more pronounced discomfort in the mother that worsens towards the end of pregnancy. For example:


The size of the uterus compresses the organs involved in digestion making it slower and heavier. This causes stomach upset, gas and feeling that everything you eat feels bad.

As it is recommended when there is acidity, it is advisable to avoid heavy and heavy meals, take small portions throughout the day, eat slowly and chew foods well. Eat at least one hour before bedtime and sleep semi incoporated.


Towards the end of pregnancy it is common for the pregnant woman to have insomnia because the size of the belly prevents them from finding a comfortable position and added to the concerns as the time of delivery approaches.

If you have difficulty falling asleep or staying at night, try to keep a fixed time to go to bed and get up, avoid stimulating drinks that contain caffeine and theine, as well as carbonated drinks and do physical activity. Also remember that the best sleeping position is on the left side.

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Shortness of breath

The elevation of the diaphragm causes a decrease in respiratory capacity, which produces a feeling that they lack air towards the end of pregnancy.

It is normal to have this choking sensation, especially when they exercise, walk or climb stairs. Also when lying on your back.

Back pain

The increase in the size of the uterus causes the mother to arch back producing an imbalance in body posture and pain, sometimes really intense, in the lower back.

If you suffer from back pain, follow these simple tips to prevent it: take care of your posture to avoid damaging your back (for example, when you go down, do it by flexing your knees, not your waist), exercise, wear appropriate footwear (not too high) not too low), massage and apply localized dry heat if necessary.

Frequent urination

As the pregnancy progresses and the size of the uterus increases, the pressure on the bladder also increases in the last stage of pregnancy, causing it to empty more frequently. This makes you want to urinate every so often, both during the day and at night, waking up several times.

In the last weeks of pregnancy, when the belly descends and exerts even greater pressure on the bladder, urine leaks are common, which can happen due to a sneeze or a laugh, so it is recommended that you protect your underwear with a small compress .

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Video: Preventing Back and Pelvic Pain in Pregnancy (May 2024).