Maternity packages: a la carte births

I keep surprising myself when I observe that, as in a restaurant, Many hospitals offer future moms a la carte births. Saving the distances, the closest thing I know are the scheduled C-sections, although most of these are not "at convenience" but, in theory, by particularities of pregnancy that advise this intervention.

But we also talked about caesarean sections for convenience, from those caused by superstitions to which they may come planned for the disappearance of the baby check in Spain.

What maternity packages include

In some countries private hospitals offer a variety of options, the costs of which depend on the type of service, prestige of the hospital, the equipment, the material needed to care for the mother and the type of birth, that is, if it is "normal" delivery (vaginal delivery) or caesarean section.

To this we must add the cost of medical fees, which are not included in all cases, but which can significantly increase the amount to be paid, so that women who decide for one of these "deliveries on demand" They must be well informed of all conditions.

Services that include or not these maternity packages They range from a dilation or recovery room, fetal monitoring or baby's crib.

There are elements that are included in the list without which it is difficult for me to imagine a delivery in the hospital, and yet they appear as if they were a "plus" (expulsion room, medications ...).

And, on the other hand, I am surprised to see that many hospitals include only two nights of hospitalization in the case of caesarean section, even in some cases a single night, when the usual thing in Spain is that after a cesarean delivery the mother remains admitted to The hospital about 4 or 5 days. I imagine that, after that one day or two days of hospitalization, the mother probably needs to continue being treated and has to pay an extra supplement per night.

How much maternity packages cost

Taking into account all these variables, in the documents consulted, corresponding to hospitals in Mexico, births appear from 300 euros the cheapest to about 2000 euros the most expensive, with a whole intermediate range. There are multiple payment options, deferred payments, advance discounts ...

C-sections cost more than a vaginal delivery, "normal delivery" as we read in the hospital brochures and as we mentioned a while ago. All this gives me to think that, apart from the obvious surgical expense that increases costs, caesarean section can also be seen as a more "exclusive" way of being born (it costs more, it will be better, I will pay for it, since I can) .

I get the impression that through these maternity packages we take away all the naturalness to the unleashing and delivery process. For example, because within that naturalness, the option of caesarean section would be, say, secondly, since the logical thing if the delivery takes place without complications is that the delivery is vaginal.

Because, what will they do with deliveries that after being "hired" as vaginal end up, by whatever circumstances, in caesarean section? Will they add the difference to the invoice or will it be a detail of the house?

Or, on the contrary, let's imagine that a mother has contracted a caesarean section but the delivery is carried out and takes place naturally because it is triggered in a rapid way or any other circumstance. Will the money you have overpaid be refunded?

I have not seen these issues in the fine print ... but certainly if I chose a maternity or delivery package on demand I would try to find out all the details. And, well, I get the impression that the charm of childbirth is lost a little, and I find it somewhat disturbing ... Would you hire a type of childbirth?

Video: What's in My Labor Bag? Doula Essentials for Birth (July 2024).