The whooping cough epidemic in California

Pertussis is an infectious disease of the respiratory tract, which, in Spain and in most countries with effective vaccination schedules, is rare. However, it has not been eradicated and immunity is not permanent, so there are still cases, which, especially in infants, are very serious. It is currently being produced a pertussis epidemic in California which has already cost the lives of several babies.

In California this year, since May, the number of cases of whooping cough has doubled and an epidemic has been declared, given the extent of contagion and the severity of cases.

Adults are more vulnerable, since the effectiveness of the vaccine is not forever. At 5 years of his administration he is no longer protected, so adults and children who were vaccinated more than five years ago can become infected.

But the most serious happens when an adult infects a baby who has not yet received the vaccine. The point is that whooping cough is not usually diagnosed immediately and therefore contagion cannot be avoided until it has already occurred, so it is being advised in California that those in contact with babies be vaccinated.

The symptoms of whooping cough, the first moments, are not serious and look like those of a common cold, especially in adults. In addition, it is spread quite easily, so when it is diagnosed when uncontrollable cough and vomiting appear it is no longer contagious but it has already been able to infect those who are in contact with the patient if they are not protected.

Babies start with a normal cold, with mucus, fever and cough. But after 12 days there are episodes of very serious cough, with convulsions and even suspension of breathing. The fever is high and there is vomiting. In babies there is a real risk of suffocation ...

It is not necessary to be scared but if to know that the disease exists and that a cold can be something else, above all we must be attentive that some adult of the environment is suffering from it in a diagnosed way or not, since adults and adolescents are the transmitters to babies.

In Spain it is still a rare disease but if the cases increase every year. Declare it mandatory but it is thought that there may be cases that are not recorded. It should be borne in mind that in adults it is less severe, such as a low-resolution bronchitis, and may not even be diagnosed.

The case of the California epidemic, for which 8 babies have already died, is something to be taken into account by the health authorities, in order to adapt the vaccination or detection schedules if necessary. There is serious talk about the extension of a vaccination to the entire population as the only way to eradicate the disease effectively, since, being infants unprotected, subsequent vaccination does not prevent terrible cases such as those that have happened.

You have to keep in mind that whooping cough is one of the most contagious human diseases, so it is a big risk for those who are not vaccinated. It is estimated that 90% of children who are not vaccinated and who live with someone who has pertussis, get the disease. Similarly, between 50% and 80% of unvaccinated children who go to school or daycare with someone who has pertussis, acquires the disease.

Vaccination has helped a lot. For example, in the 1940s, before it was extensively vaccinated, there were about 8,000 deaths a year from this disease in the United States, with the recorded infections being almost 200,000. Today the figures are significantly lower but if we have in California there are only 3,500 infections and 8 dead, we must think that it would be convenient to design a more extensive vaccination and promote it among the adult population to increase the percentages of immune.

Now, in California, before the epidemic, pregnant women are being encouraged to get vaccinated against pertussis before or during pregnancy, or after having their baby. Parents should also get vaccinated preferably before the baby is born.

The California Department of Public Health CDPH has recommended that hospitals develop strategies to increase vaccination of new moms and dads before going home with their newborn and free vaccines are being provided for hospitals.

Other people who may have contact with babies, including family members, health professionals and babysitters should also get vaccinated. And it is advised that unvaccinated children do not go to places where contagion is possible during the epidemic.

With more than 3000 infections and 8 deceased infants California is suffering the biggest epidemic of whooping cough of the last 50 years and it is, therefore, causing a reconsideration of vaccination strategies for this disease to make them more effective.

Via | The day
More information | California Department of Health, El Mundo Salud

Video: What is Whooping Cough Pertussis & Whopping Cough Symptoms (July 2024).