Report on health habits of Spanish mothers

The results of the Nutrition Education Plan by the Pharmacist (Plenufar IV), promoted by the General Council of Official Pharmacists' Associations (CGCOF), have been presented, and it follows that there is still a lot to go forward in the health and nutrition habits of Spanish mothers.

The study has been conducted on surveys of 15,000 women who were looking for pregnancy, pregnant women and infants and their conclusions are quite striking.

40% of women seeking pregnancy drink and 20% smoke, leaving some of these habits but not all of them, continuing to consume 14% of them alcohol and smoking 9% during pregnancy.

Regarding breastfeeding, the analyzed data indicate that 60% of pregnant women would like to breastfeed but only 40% maintain breastfeeding at six months of the baby's life.

Regarding food, daily consumption of fruits and vegetables is still lacking, since only 60% of women take it. In addition, 20% continue to take industrial pastries daily and 40% do so weekly, these products being advised only and at most sporadically sometimes monthly. Finally, another worrying fact is the low consumption of nuts, which only takes 50% weekly and 20% never eats them.

The health and feeding habits of Spanish mothers they are not adequate, it is necessary to encourage the consumption of fruits and vegetables, nuts on the one hand and on the other, the abandonment of products such as alcohol, tobacco and industrial pastries.

Video: Mothers who follow five healthy habits may reduce risk of obesity in children (July 2024).