Names of doubtful taste accepted in the world

After reviewing a broad list of banned names in the world, let's look at how difficult (almost always) to establish an objective criterion to determine where good taste or offense begins and ends. There are many names of doubtful taste circulating around the world.

Some names are dedicated to sports, brands, malignant beings of fiction or reality, superheroes, phonetic transcriptions of other languages, the place where the baby was conceived ... There is no limit to the audacity of parents who put to their children, what most of us think are names that are bad or ridiculous.

Some accepted names of doubtful taste

  • Names like Voldemort (enemy of Harry Potter), Robocop or Terminator appear more and more frequently in the registration books of Mexican newborns, so the authorities of the country are considering a reform of the Civil Code to avoid denigrating or offensive names. Masiosare (which arises from the contraction of three words of the national anthem: "But if I dare a strange enemy ..."), Anivdelarev (acronym for the anniversary of the Mexican Revolution), James Bond, Pocahontas or LadyDy are other frequent appellants in the country. Michelín or Aeropajita are other of the pearls in Mexico…

  • The United Kingdom takes the palm in this of unfortunate names of babies: among the British subjects are Gandalf, Superman or Harry Potter, Adidas or Reebok, Arsenal, Damien (born 6 of 6 of 6), in reference to the child of "The prophecy"…

  • In the United States, a family from New Jersey put their son Adolf Hitler Campbell and his daughter JoyceLynn Aryan Nation "JoyceLynn Nation Aria". The custody of the parents was withdrawn, we ignore whether for this or other reasons ...

  • Also in the United States it is fashionable to give the children the name of the father followed by 2.0. So we know that they are "the second generation": Christopher 2.0, Thomas 2.0, Edward 2.0 ...

  • For us to see the arbitrary prohibitions, in New Zealand, which prohibits calls such as Fish and Chips "Fish with Potatoes", Yeah Detroit or Sex Fruit "Fruit of Sex", are allowed Superman, Violence "Violence" and Number 16 Bus Shelter "Bus Shelter 26" ( Will it refer to the place where the baby was conceived?).

  • In China, the name "Olympic" and those of the mascots of the past Games were very fashionable (can you imagine that "Naranjito" or "Cobi" would have been here?).

  • Despite the restrictions in Sweden, if we look at the census we can find a Google and other allowed names like Coca-Cola and Budweiser that we imagine parents hooked on drinks will want.

  • Herod or Judas are names that have been pejoratively marked by their meaning and participation in the history of Christianity. However, they are names that, by themselves, I find even beautiful. The bad thing is that you cannot separate the connotations of a name from its phonetics.

  • In Cuba, Usemy and Iloveny they are real names based on "U.S. Army" and "I Love NY", and it seems that these are not exclusive names of the Caribbean country. Fruit of ignorance of English or daring?

  • In Costa Rica, technology, currencies, or some historical and cinematographic characters are in the records: Norton, Excel, Brucelee or Hitler Rodolfo, Euro, Dollar, Rambo ... they are names that will speak. By the way, there are also Herod and Judas.

As we see, there is no limit to eccentricity, boldness and I would even say that the irresponsibility of some parents, who do not hesitate to call their babies with names that can mark them throughout their lives, being mocked ...

Hopefully in the future there is no need to talk about so many names of doubtful taste accepted in the world, although in the desire to be "exclusive" many parents forget that their children will probably have to bear that name all their lives.

Video: Trapt - Lost Realist (May 2024).