What is pregnancy?

Today we bring Babies and more a question that may seem something basic at this point, but you will see that it is very interesting. Let's get to know better what is pregnancy.

It is called pregnancy, pregnancy, pregnancy or pregnancy to the period that elapses from the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the uterus until the time of delivery.

After the ovule is fertilized, changes occur in the woman's body, both physiological and metabolic, designed to protect, nourish and provide everything necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

During pregnancy they start complex hormonal processes They affect almost all of the organs of the woman's body causing what we know as pregnancy symptoms.

The first symptom is amenorrhea or absence of menstruation, but other signs of pregnancy may also occur such as hypersensitivity in the breasts, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, malaise and tiredness.

In human pregnancy, pregnancy is usually unique, however they can occur multiple pregnancies. Depending on the number of fertilized ovules and the timing of the division of the zygote, there are different types of twins: univithelial, bivitheline twins, triple, quadruple, quintuple, twin twins, etc.

Duration of pregnancy

The approximate duration of a pregnancy is 280 days. It's 40 weeks from the first day of the last menstruation or 38 weeks (approximately nine months) from the moment of fertilization.

It is considered a term pregnancy the one that passes between week 37 (259 days completed) and the 42nd week of gestation (294 days completed).

A pregnancy of less than 37 weeks is considered pre-term, while one of more than 42 weeks is considered post-term.

There is a formula to know the estimated due date, known as the Nagele Rule, which consists of subtracting three months and adding seven days to the date (the first day) of the last menstruation.

Pregnancy is divided into trimesters. The first trimester covers up to the 14th week of pregnancy (12 weeks gestation), the second trimester of the 14th week to the 28th week of pregnancy and the third trimester from the 28th week to the week until birth.

The embryonic period extends from the implantation of the zygote in the walls of the uterus until the tenth week of gestation, when the main structures have been completed and it is considered a fetus.

Changes of women in pregnancy

The weight gain in pregnancy is 12 kilos on average. It is caused mainly by the weight of the baby, the placenta and the amniotic fluid, as well as by the increase in the size of the uterus, the breasts and the extracellular fluid.

In addition to the more obvious physical changes such as weight gain and gut growth, there are others less visible, largely responsible for the most frequent discomforts in pregnancy such as edema, back pain, skin changes and constipation

There are modifications at the hormonal level, but also at the respiratory, hormonal, digestive, circulatory, renal, bone and nervous levels.

He blood volume of the pregnant woman increases between 50 and 80 percent to meet the growth needs of the baby, leading to the dilation of blood vessels, the appearance of varicose veins, palpitations and tachycardia.

As the uterus increases in size, the internal organs move slightly from its position. In turn, postural skeletal changes occur that adapt to pregnancy and prepare for childbirth.

Pregnancy in other species

The gestation period of other mammals It varies depending on the size of the species and the degree of development. From the hamster, whose gestation period is the shortest, between 16 and 18 days, to the elephant, which lasts almost two years.

Let's see some examples:

  • The gestation of the rats is 22 days (3 weeks + 1 day)
  • The gestation of the sheep is 150 days (21 weeks + 4 days)
  • The gestation of the cows is 283 days (40 weeks + 3 days)
  • The gestation of the horses is 336 days (48 weeks)
  • The gestation of the whales is between 360 and 390 days (55 weeks approx.)
  • The gestation of elephants is between 600 and 660 days (90 weeks approx.)

Pregnancy is a momentous period in the life of women, both physiologically and psychologically. His body is transformed to give life to a new being that is gestated and nourished inside the womb until he is ready to be born.

Is an incredibly perfect process that you can know better through these images of pregnancy week by week.

Photos | Meagan and molly_darlingen Flickr On Babies and more | Pregnancy month by month

Video: First Trimester Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know (July 2024).