I have not vaccinated my children and now I regret: rescue vaccination for children and adolescents

Recently we met the case of a boy who had challenged his parents against vaccines, getting vaccinated when he came of age. We also learned the measure that Holland had taken, by allowing adolescents who had not been vaccinated in their childhood, to decide if they wanted to get vaccinated when they turned 16.

Whether by their own decision when they reach adolescence, or because at some point in childhood parents rethink their position and decide to vaccinate their children, the Spanish Association of Pediatrics contemplates special calendars for these types of situations in which "accelerated vaccination" must be carried out.

We tell you how to proceed in these situations and what should be taken into account.

Can vaccination be initiated at any time of life?

Of course yes. Vaccines aim to save lives by preventing potentially serious illnesses, and although the vaccine schedule we normally handle is designed to vaccines are given as soon as possible to the baby, can also be put into other stages of life.

In what cases do we talk about "badly vaccinated" children?

Incorrectly vaccinated children are those who do not comply with the official vaccine schedule, either because they have never been vaccinated, or because, by age, they should have received more doses than the ones they have on.

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This situation can occur for several reasons:

  • Parents who have decided not to vaccinate to his children

  • Parents that do not carry a thorough check of the vaccination card of their children, and have forgotten to give them some doses

  • Immigrant or adopted children in countries where the vaccination calendar is very different from ours, and when they come to Spain they run the risk of being unprotected against certain diseases.

How do you proceed with vaccination in these cases?

When the parents who are in any of the situations mentioned above, wish to opt for "accelerated vaccination" (Either by a change of opinion, by correcting the forgetfulness or by adapting to the official vaccination calendar of our country), the first thing you should do is contact your health center.

For each of the situations mentioned there are specific vaccination tables, which not only take into account the age at the time of starting rescue vaccination, but also the doses of vaccines that the child could have received previously.

If this is the case, vaccines given above should be considered valid provided that they are registered or identified, respect the minimum age of application of the vaccine and the minimum intervals between the doses of the vaccine.

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This is the calendar, when a child has never been vaccinated

Since each specific case requires a personalized analysis to be performed by the pediatrician, we will focus exclusively on the particular case of the child or adolescent who has never been vaccinated, and when the time comes, you would like to proceed to your accelerated vaccination.

As we can see in this general calendar of the Advisory Committee on Vaccines of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics, each vaccine corresponds to a certain number of doses, depending on the age or age range in which it is administered.

Via AEP Vaccine Advisory Committee In Babies and more From A to Z: All childhood vaccines from 0 to 14 years old

To check the time between doses, the CAV-AEP publishes the following schedules, depending on the age range for the child to undergo accelerated vaccination:

Children aged between four months and six years

On the left you have the vaccines that should be administered, although some such as Rotavirus and Meningococcus B (Bexerso and Trumemba) are optional and are not funded by Social Security.

The column in which it says "minimum age" means that below that age the vaccine cannot be put. Once the first dose is administered, the minimum time that must pass to administer the following is set to the right. The amount of dose will depend on the child's age at the time of the first, or of the age at the time of putting the last one.

Children between the ages of seven and 18

The operation is the same but the doses are less, because after seven years the child's immune system is more potent and requires fewer vaccines to get the same protection.

From the AEP Vaccine Advisory Committee, they advise that in these special situations, families should inform their pediatrician about the most effective way to administer vaccines based on the child's age at that time.

The danger of not being vaccinated

Although it is never too late to vaccinate our children and any change of opinion in favor of vaccination is always welcome, it is important to keep in mind that while the child is not vaccinated or poorly vaccinated, he will not be properly protected against multiple diseases, some of them potentially very serious.

Others, such as measles or chicken pox, are very contagious and easily spread diseases, which can cause outbreaks and sometimes complicate with more severe conditions and even cause death.

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Therefore, the ideal is to start vaccination even from the womb, and be aware of the importance of fulfilling all vaccines in time, even in adolescence.

Video: Chicago Med - Idiots Like You Episode Highlight (July 2024).