Predict your baby, FBI technology? to know how your baby will be

A great mystery is always awakened by the appearance of future children. Today we bring you Predict your baby, a resource to know what the baby will look like with just a couple of photographs of future parents. Although I think he needs a lot to improve ...

The first step is to choose if we want a boy or a girl and the skin color of the future baby (or give "it doesn't matter"). Then we choose our photo. The photo has to be from the parents' face, or we can try some famous faces that appear on the web.

The truth is that the results are no big dealI doubt that some type of FBI technology will be used when the image of the baby is often off-center (only a small piece of the front is seen) or it is about photographs of previous, real babies, even with recognizable backgrounds.

It has been difficult for me to find an acceptable result to illustrate these lines. The fact is that of about ten tests that I have done (yes, it is a free resource and we can "create babies" as many times as we want) only a couple of them, say "acceptable" have gone well, the same, that you can See in the image above.

In addition, curiously on the resulting page appears the name of another application that we talked about a while ago, subscription payment by mobile phone, the Make-my-baby! Of course, as we say, here the tests are free.

As with other resources (and better results) where we can do the fun experiments for free, as in Make me Babies, or find out what color your eyes will be (probably).

In Predict your baby, when we find a baby, its image appears framed and we can "decorate it" with the accessories we want, glasses, hats, earrings ... And finally save the image or share it on Facebook.

Anyway, if you want to know what the baby will be like, or at least try, you can try with Predict your baby, which claims to use FBI technology to show the results, something difficult to believe given the poor functioning of this resource.

Official Site | Predict your baby In Babies and more | What will my son be like? Make my baby, Find out what your child will look like with Discovery, who will my baby look like? What will my child look like? Morph thing

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