The Bradley method of childbirth preparation

Yesterday we were talking about the Bradley method to control the pain in childbirth, a method that proposes to the couple to trust their instincts and to become informed participants in the process of childbirth and that rejects the pharmacological relief of pain.

This philosophy, which will sound to us because it is promulgated with variants from many areas, has become an "official" method, a proprietary and registered brand, childbirth preparation classes using the Bradley method.

Remember that this technique, based on tranquility, good nutrition and a certain physical activity, includes the father as an essential part of the preparation classes and also with a relevant role during childbirth, as it would be among other things to provide the greatest well-being and relaxation for women.

In any case, we consider that the role of the father in childbirth preparation courses is very important, whatever the tendency of these prenatal workshops or talks.

Who is the Bradley method aimed at?

Many couples who plan to have a home birth or in birth centers they opt for the Bradley method of childbirth preparation, although from what I have seen on their website it does not have to be at odds with a hospital delivery. The fundamental thing is to have possibilities of a natural birth, without analgesia, based on relaxation, freedom of movement and sharing the experience with the couple.

On the other hand, this method of preparation for childbirth is extended mainly in the United States. Canada is the second country in importance, although there are instructors of the method also in other countries, which can be consulted from here. Australia, Italy or Mexico also have possibilities to attend courses of this type.

I wonder who can replace the husband for this method in the case of single mothers, I imagine that any figure close to the mother would be fine, but I am surprised that the author spoke of "husband-trained" ("husband-coached childbirth"; the truth is that the term was coined a few decades ago, but the official site of the method currently continues to use that terminology).

The "official" Bradley method

They exist, mainly in the United States, birth preparation courses specifically based on this copyrighted method. In fact, any preparation course I think can take some of the theories promulgated by Bradley, which did nothing but repeat what the tradition of preparatory courses and pregnancy manuals bequeathed in the mid-twentieth century and have become popular later.

The goal of training in the Bradley method It is to ensure a safe birth with reduction in pain and anxiety, and in some sources that report on the method it is noted that approximately 90% of women who use the Bradley method have a natural birth, without medication.

Bradley method teachers complement relaxation techniques with training in different positions for childbirth and different comfort measures to relieve pain without using drugs. They ensure that the emotional well-being of the baby is important in their first moments of life and they care about making the arrival in the world as pleasant as possible.

In short, these are concepts that we talk about a lot in our pages and that from this perspective are not so "exclusive".

If you want to do the Bradley method, they are 12 weeks of preparation to childbirth and you must be instructed (the future mother and her partner) by official Bradley Method instructors, certified by the developed academy itself, the American Academy of Husband-Coached Childbirth.

This is a training during the last trimester of pregnancy that also includes training in physical exercises as widespread for childbirth preparation as those of kegel, along with psychological training, the notions of healthy nutrition for the future mother, breastfeeding (the Breastfeeding is a fundamental point of this philosophy as proclaimed) ... In short, notions that are familiar to us from any of our prenatal courses.

Of course, if you want to be a specialist professor in this technique you can also do it by contacting from its official website. There they explain everything about the process and the money it costs to obtain the teacher's certificate of the method, and encourage interested people to go with their wife or husband, as many teachers train future parents also as a couple.

The cost of the course depends on the teacher who teaches it and the area of ​​the United States or the country in which the parents are.

Definitely, the Bradley method to control labor pain It is only one more attempt to return to the "natural" awakening instincts that have become sleepy, helping to know our body and how a birth works, clearing fears that could contribute to pain and that includes the father figure as an active part of the preparation at delivery

Official Site | The Bradley Method More information | Wikipedia Photo | jaredandmelanie Flickr-CC
In Babies and more | A vaginal birth is not the same as a natural birth, What the WHO advises for a normal delivery, What the WHO advises against in a normal birth, Natural delivery versus prepared delivery

Video: The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth (July 2024).