The arrival of the first child: a revolution

The birth of a baby is a great event for the family, but it is also the arrival of the first child is a revolution, because it totally changes the life of the couple.

It means the step from being two to three, from being a couple to being a family. The priorities change. Nothing will be like before. From the moment the couple finds out that their first child is waiting for, there is an avalanche of feelings, among illusion, joy, emotion but also of a certain fear of the new responsibility of being parents.

The arrival of the first baby implies a radical change. It means starting to think about life with him, preparing the home to welcome him, preparing parents to raise him, and assuming his new role as first-time parents.

Waiting for the first child

Confirmation of pregnancy mark the beginning of the new life. It is received with great joy, and everyone shares the news with family and friends at the time they deem most convenient. There are those who before the overwhelmed emotion announce it immediately and those who prefer to wait for the first weeks to pass the news.

Together with the first signs of pregnancy and the physical changes that occur in women, it is logical that doubts appear. "Will I be able to take care of a baby?", "Will everything go well?". To this they begin to add the preparations for the arrival of the baby and the advice of the acquaintances, although they have not been requested, on the raising of the children.

The nine months of pregnancy are necessary for the baby to develop in the womb, but also so that parents adapt to the new situation and the life that awaits them. The couple evolves as pregnancy does, and will continue to do so throughout life.

The arrival of a child unites the couple (or not)

The birth of a child is the maximum expression of love between two people, however it's not always all pink. There are couples who believe that the arrival of a baby will serve to unite, to recover the lost love, to solve the couple's problems, but the baby will not fix the crisis if there are previous issues, which in the short or long term will reappear . If there are serious problems in the couple, for the sake of the baby, it is best to seek professional help.

Being parents is a wonderful experience, but there are still couples who unbalance at the news of the arrival of the first child and the thunder box is uncovered. Tensions begin, discussions about caring for the baby, about the education that will be given, about who will resign his job for caring for the baby, and other issues that may raise conflicts between future parents.

It is best to talk quietly between the two about everything that can generate tensions. Pregnancy is a good time to express how we feel, what feelings the baby causes, as well as the doubts or fears it generates.

During pregnancy, it is essential that both feel happy and full, because that happiness has an impact on the health of the mother and the baby that is being born. The wait for the first child is unique, like that of each child, but this is special because there are no more children to care for, so enjoy it to the fullest. It is time to prepare your arrival, choose the name and do everything you want to do "alone."

It is also a great change for grandparents

The arrival of a baby is a new lifestyle for parents, but also for grandparents, especially if he is also the first grandson, because they also premiere as grandparents.

All expectations are deposited in the newborn who has come to give a radical change in the lives of the parents and their parents.

It is normal for grandparents to offer to lend a hand, an offer that is usually accepted willingly by parents, because help comes in handy and because the grandchild-grandfather relationship is very positive for both parties. What happens is that sometimes grandparents meddle too much creating an upset between parents who do not know very well how to act.

The communication with grandparents In these cases it is essential to reach an understanding about what the parents want and do not want with respect to the upbringing of the child.

How do you remember the arrival of the first child?

Some of them are taken by surprise, many have a hard time adapting to new schedules, sometimes you feel lost, but the arrival of the first child is a unique moment that generates a revolution In the life of the couple.

I remember it with great emotion, we have enjoyed the waiting to the fullest and although the first days as a mother and dads we felt somewhat bewildered, the family connection soon emerged. How have you lived that moment?

Video: Origins - Birth Certificate - Entrapped at Birth (July 2024).