8M: the day of all mothers, those who work in, from and outside the home

Every March 8 we commemorate the International Day of Working Women, commonly known as Women's Day. It is a day in which the struggle of women is commemorated, to achieve participation and equal opportunities to those of men, within different spheres in society.

So on this day, we recognize all working mothers: those who stay at home with their children, those who can work from home and those who work outside to continue their professional career.

All mothers, and yes, all workers

On this day, all publications tend to be directed towards "working women", that is, those that continue to work outside the home and carry out their professional career. However, we believe that All women, especially mothers, enter this category of "workers".

In Babies and more The invisible work of mothers: this influences the mental burden on our emotional health

Maybe because of the activities we do or the responsibilities we do it seems that we do not enter into the traditional image or concept of a working woman, but the truth is that we all are.

Therefore, in Babies and more We have decided that each and every mother deserves our recognition and special words on this day, because they are all working mothers.

The mother who stays at home with her children

There is a very common belief, which is usually heard about mothers who stay at home with their children: they do not work. But yes, wow they do work And surely that has been said or thought by someone who has never stayed home to care for babies and children.

In Babies and more Women who care for their children are also working mothers

Mothers who stay at home, They do a great job that is mostly invisible to the eyes of others. They are women who not only have the enormous responsibility of raising and maternity, but in most families, they are responsible for carrying the entire operation of a house.

They are chiefs and captains, with a long list of skills and tasks: a full time job, which does not receive remuneration or economic benefits, but which is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding.

The mother who works from home

Whether your work allows it with technology or you have decided to quit to be enterprising women, mothers who work from home also deserve all our recognition, because despite what most people may think, It is not easy, nor does it work little, as commonly believed.

Probably when you say that you work from home, someone visualizes a woman in pajamas, working from her bed or sofa, but working from home means not only being a mother and raising children, but also finding the times, planning and organization to work. and so manage to do everything in the same place: being a woman and a working mother.

The mother who works outside the home

And finally, we have mothers who work outside the home. Those women who each day they must separate from their children, to continue working, either because their economy needs it or because they want to continue fighting to pursue their dreams.

In Babies and more Why working outside the home helps me to be a better mother

They are the mothers who although they are not with them, have their children present at all times, and at the end of their workday, they return home to exchange their professional role, for their mother role and then start with all the pending activities that this paper and its children require.

So regardless of whether they are mothers who work in, from or outside the home, they are all heroines, they are all wonderful and of course they are all working women and deserve our recognition. Happy Women's Day!

Video: Luke Combs - Even Though I'm Leaving Audio (July 2024).