Nearby excursions with children

Although the calendar says that the end of summer has arrived, the reality is that we still have many weeks of good weather and, although some more typically summer activities are not so appealing, for others there is always a place in this excellent time, ideal to enjoy outdoor. Nearby excursions with children They are a good option for weekends.

Holidays are over, school has started, but many families can still enjoy free evenings and weekends. Maybe the bath in the sea or in the river doesn't feel like it anymore, but… why not take advantage of these natural environments to enjoy a fun day? And do physical activity now that it's not so hot? In addition, the towns and cities that we have nearby have much to offer us.

The advantage over a vacation in these places is that for a short trip we will not have to look for accommodation and the preparations will have to be less, although there are also some essentials that we should not forget. The camera to immortalize how well we will have fun, among them.

Excursion to the beach, the countryside or the mountain

Let's live where we live, we will have some of these options nearby: beach, countryside or mountain. The possibilities of these environments to spend a family day and activate our body physically are endless.

Many places, whether on the beach or in the countryside, incorporate playgrounds to enjoy the swings, and walks are an excellent option at this time, when they are not in full sun. Going along the seashore soaking your feet in the not so hot waters is fabulous. Walking through the sand that no longer burns, a delight.

Let's also take the opportunity to enjoy the multiple games in the sand of the beach. Because it is an incomparable scenario for the game, even out of the water.

For its part, in the field and the mountain we will have multiple walking or cycling tours, which usually come marked in the place, although we can also check the sites' websites in case the appropriate routes for hiking were collected. An off-road cart or baby carrier are the ones for walking or hiking in the least comfortable places with a baby.

Picnic areas to make lunches, meals or snacks are also common. Provisions, as we will see later, cannot be missing. Remember to leave everything as clean as we found it.

The reserves of food and especially of water for the day must be well planned, because otherwise we run the risk of dehydration or not having enough energy to enjoy the moment.

Finally, do not forget that, although it is not as hot as a few weeks ago, there is a risk of dehydration and some days temperatures rise, so you have to take care of these aspects. Footwear and comfortable clothes, lotion against insects ... are other elements to consider.

In addition, the sun continues to burn, so you have to adequately protect the whole family, especially babies and children, from more sensitive skin from the sun.

Excursion to towns and cities

The towns and cities around us Many times they are the great strangers to ourselves. This time is an excellent opportunity to meet them, whether or not they celebrate some special events (parties, performances, sports ...).

In towns and cities, we can stop at public parks (which we can find thanks to resources such as, where children will undoubtedly be happy to change the scenery of games, enjoying new swings.

But not only the parks are interesting, each place has its own charming corners, apart from the cultural and gastronomic offer We can enjoy with the family. In this regard, I recommend taking a look at the website of the town hall or tourism of the place to locate the activities that can be celebrated and thus schedule our visit.

Theater, music, circus, storytelling, workshops, museums, tastings ... are some of the activities that children enjoy. Visits to museumsFor example, they can be very suitable for them if we adapt to their interests and their age.

Many parents are afraid to go to them with their children, but in reality almost any museum will show you interesting things. In addition, many of them have resources and visits adapted to the little ones, a good way for them to enjoy the museum. We will choose the quiet hours, we will go at your own pace and encourage you to interpret what you see. Here you have other tips to visit a museum with children.

In no case should we forget that we have to adapt to the needs of children, their rhythms and schedules, and keep in mind the safety tips to keep our guard down. So these days of nearby excursions with children They will remain in our memory as fabulous experiences.

Photos | mikebaird, Pink Sherbet Photography and Franklin Park Library on Flickr In Babies and more | Special summer with children