Dads and Moms Blogs (XCV)

Today, as we do every Tuesday, we offer you a review of the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We started with one of my favorite blogs from the entire network, that of Dad Elvis Canino, author of Don't mistreat me, I'm a child, which analyzes three concepts: happiness, education and socialization, wondering what educational model would best guarantee compliance according to the needs and respect for children.

The prince of the family: The children come with a blog under the arm, from our reader Mamita2010, who has told us how they celebrated the first birthday of little Matthew.

Another of our followers, Nat, is the author of Booties and legs and he tells us his experiences in the five months that have passed since the birth of his second daughter, Nuria, a sweet and calm girl who delights the whole family, including those of her older sister Sara.

And we continue with our great family of Babies and more, with another reader, Elena Segura, who has presented us with her newborn blog, Many hugs, and tells us, in a very exciting entry, as when finding another mother who was breastfeeding he felt as if, in another country, he saw an Andalusian.

Vanesa C. also invited us to visit her blog, Blissful Orchid, and tells us that we have to learn, not only to fight for a reconciliation for us, but also to understand that others, like store employees, also have the right to leave on time to be with their families.

Another of our readers, Maria, is the author of The tick family, the story of the birth of his son has begun, since in an echo they detected a heart problem. I recommend you read it, because it is very emotional and full of value.

I have also visited a blog that we already presented some time ago, The art of being a mother, in which Sandra, its author, is showing us beautiful images of motherhood in Art, with beautiful works like the last one she teaches us, a Madonna of childbirth on a table, dated in the XIV century, of unknown author, which It is located in the Pinacoteca Vaticana.

I end with a few of blogs from families that educate at home, which are usually highly recommended for the many ideas they offer us of books, crafts and activities that we can do with our children.

This time I invite you to meet Isabelle, Alex and Maxime's mother, who in Homeschool, swet homeschool, he tells us how he plans the study of his two children with flexibility but promoting his responsibility and also to look at Meninheira's blog, Give it a coliño, which proposes us to make a star for the felt Christmas tree, which to me, that I am beginning in this to do little things of felt, I have found beautiful.

We will continue reading moms and dads blogs To be able to tell you, next week, what we have been finding and we invite you, as always, to share your blogs with us so that we can include them in the compilation of each Tuesday.

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