A tooth is moved to the child

Yes baby teeth start to moveMost likely, it is because its root has been reabsorbed by pressure from the final tooth, which will come out in its place. We already explained to you a while ago how the baby teeth fall out and the definitive ones come out, a process that occurs around the age of five or six.

When the date approaches, we observe an increasing mobility of the lower central incisors, until the first fall of a milk tooth occurs. The teeth begin to fall leaving a gap where the new tooth appears. But the first thing that has happened is that the permanent tooth that is under the gum begins to press the milk tooth, beginning to loosen it.

When the final teeth arise, they do so by wearing down the roots of the milk teeth that will begin to move and fall off. Normally they leave through the hole left by the milk tooth, although sometimes they can coexist.

Another question is whether there has been a blow and the tooth moves due to trauma (with tooth breakage or not). Then you have to visit the pediatric dentist to assess the situation, if the gum has been damaged ...

What to do if a child moves a tooth

As we say, if the milk tooth moves due to the proximity of the exit of the final teeth, in principle there is nothing to do but give time to this natural process that occurs around five or six years (although it can be very variable and get ahead or fall behind in some children).

Most baby teeth, up to 99%, usually fall alone, the remaining one percent are those milk teeth that, even appearing the new one does not fall, then that is when you have to go to the dentist.

Therefore in principle, it should only be intervened if the situation is prolonged and the definitive tooth begins to emerge simultaneously, as we have said that happens occasionally. The two teeth coexist for a while (the new tooth comes out next to the milk) and the milk tooth may be moving for longer.

In this case the pediatric dentist will assess whether its extraction is advised to allow the permanent tooth to exit and avoid problems of incorrect chewing or difficulties of the child to speak ...

There is a practice carried out for years but it is not advisable to perform at home (personally I would give such an impression to me and my daughters, who would be unable): the "homemade" extraction of the tooth by means of a thread or cord from which it is pulled. But there is a risk of harming the child.

Finally we remember that to prevent future problems it is advisable that the children visit the dentist periodically for a review and to control possible caries and other diseases such as gingivitis, inflammation in the gums ...

Too if a child moves a tooth for a long time, after a blow or if a new tooth comes out next to the milk one, you must visit the dentist. One way or another, the Little Mouse Perez will end up visiting them.