Dads and Moms Blogs (CXX)

Today, as every Tuesday, we offer you a review of the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

I start with what I could rate my header blog, a space that always surprises and excites me: Don't mistreat me, I'm a child, Elvis Canino's blog. It is common in the social network Faceboock the censorship of profiles by the publication of breastfeeding images and Elvis has made you think about what can cause something so normal and healthy to be "provocative" and, instead, it is normal to see photos of women in suggestive and clearly sexual attitudes without causing the same hypocritical censorship.

I liked the blog a lot I am a mother, I am a person in which he invites us to teach our children to say NO, because they really learn from that freedom to be masters of their body, to be masters of their feelings and actions, and to decide for themselves about their life.

I also recommend the blog of Priss González, Suprachool Learning in which, on this occasion, he invites us to reflect on when and what things to start teaching children and encourages us to let ourselves be followed by them instead of marking a content or a rhythm externally and alien to their interests.

From The world of Yolizca I highlight, in his series of posts entitled Maternity Committed one entitled Teaching to love, which, with charming simplicity, reveals to us how much our children teach us about love.

Myriam Moya, from Lowercase, reminds us of women that our body is ours, and our births too and that we can give birth, we know how to give birth, and it reminds us to tell our daughters, so that they grow up with that idea that will give them great security in the future.

I highlight a post by Maria Berrozpe from Re-educating momWhat I want and what I do not want, in which he claims something very logical, that nobody gets into their upbringing and also that the media does not publish falsehoods about the education of children or breastfeeding.

Great has been too Mom cow It is openly declared Anti-boobs complaining about the publications that appear with comments against breastfeeding that claim to be anti-feminist or late.

Vivian Watson of A mother is born, reflect on Respected Delivery Week and give us your impressions.

And Cristina Romero, from Wake up in the light, invites us to learn about the Law of Attraction in relation to health and children.

I also found the post explaining Covada Syndrome on the blog very interesting. Amamadoula, a woman who is doula, mother and grandmother very committed to the respectful and very wise upbringing.

I end up encouraging our readers who have a blog about fatherhood, motherhood, parenting or babies, that you leave it to us in the comments so that we can include it in the next selection of moms and dads blogs .

Video: My Mom & Dad: Their Love Story! Perez Hilton (July 2024).