Childhood anemia: definition, causes, symptoms and treatment

Approximately 50% of children under 3 suffer from childhood anemia, although it can also develop at other ages, such as with the onset of menstruation, in the case of girls.

The anemia It is a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the blood, which are responsible for transferring oxygen to all organs of the body, thanks to the hemoglobin they contain. Hemoglobin is a protein that is responsible for transporting the oxygen necessary for the proper functioning of the tissues and organs of our body. When the hemoglobin level drops more than expected in a blood test, it means that the child has anemia.

The most characteristic symptoms They are: pale skin and nails, drowsiness, lack of appetite, feeling cold, tiredness and muscle weakness. All this causes children to have infections very often due to lower defenses and usually leads to weight loss. In addition, lack of iron can cause learning difficulties.

The most common causes of an anemia can be:

  • Lack of iron or difficulty absorbing it, although it can also cause poor food in iron-rich foods
  • Intestinal parasitic diseases
  • Some diseases or infections
  • The intake of whole milk from cow or other animals in children under one year because it seems to cause a loss of red blood cells
  • The continued exposure to lead produced by paint, dye, battery and workshop factories
  • Vitamin B12 deficiency
  • The use of some antibiotics for extended periods of time. And it is essential to follow the pediatrician's instructions when prescribing them for long-term treatments.

For prevent it and avoid itThe best thing is that the children have a healthy and balanced diet, where they can not miss the meat, fish, legumes, vegetables, fruits, cereals and dairy products.

As regards the treatment, what we should do if we notice symptoms, is to see the doctor who will mark the guidelines and medication (if necessary) appropriate to this lack depending on the severity of it. Let's not try to solve it alone, It is the specialist who knows how we should act to get the kids to recover.

Video: Sickle cell anemia - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment & pathology (July 2024).