Summary of the week from June 6 to 12 in Peques and More

One more week we visit you for tell you a little more about Peques and More, to share with us our illusions and our experiences, because there is no mom or dad who resists sharing experiences, expressing doubts and looking for solutions, or at least we believe so. We are passionate about following the growth of children every day, from close proximity when they are very young, and knowing how to leave their own spaces when they grow.

Y Like every time we come to Babies and More, we have been interested in addressing issues related to health, education, leisure, culture, safety and much more. Because they are all facets that are part of our maternity and paternity. I do not dare to highlight some articles about others, but I tell you that it is worth following the entries on the trip to the West of France that Marcos is giving us, and also the interview with one of the mothers who are part of the Governing Council of the Andolina school in Gijón, a school created by the parents themselves and approved by the government of Asturias, she is María Jesús Álvarez. And what we have talked about travel, we will continue with them, because we have told our readers that a digital guide of family tourism has been published in the province of Valencia, which can help us to organize trips with our children and take advantage of the free time from now on we will have all. We know that car trips will increase, and although bring children well secured in their safety devices It should be part of a sensible and protective practice, now we must all know that the penalties for parents who violate the regulations in this regard, will be hardened.

And what are we going to talk about if not mid-June and a week and a half from the start of school holidays? of summer, of course. That is why we wanted to eat ice cream and remember the precautions that should be taken in the practice of summer sports. And that is why we all think of activities to do with the children, with board games being one of the most popular family entertainment, although you knew that playing parcheesi, Catán, chess… mathematics is also worked?

In case you do not know 'The pacifier', we tell you that it is a Festival that has become a reference in children's marketing and communication trends. Well, this year's issue will address an issue that all parents may be interested in: it is about the use that children and young people make of mobile devices. To continue talking about technology and news ... I will tell you that the 'Rubio booklets' have adapted perfectly to the times, now they are the iCuadernos and we invite you to enjoy them with the children. And we were delighted to tell you that there is already another application (and also for the iPad) that trains parents in emotional intelligence applied to children.

We always leave room for literature in Peques y Más, and these past few days has been no less: the prize awarded to 'Kipling Illustrated', the books of 'the Cubs' and the distinction to the Kirico Club by But we have also included other developments such as the next release of the second album of 'English songs for Kids' by teacher and musician Manuel Higueras, or the colors and glue made with food products, and therefore harmless.

The experience of having participated in the 'Nerf' championship as it passes through Madrid, the tips to save on shopping and food, have also been part of our articles during these days. And in the health section: appendicitis.

For our part, we will return in a few days.

Video: Cinema of the Philippines. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).