Atopic dermatitis: definition, causes, symptoms and treatment

The atopic dermatitis It is a skin disease that usually occurs in the form of outbreaks and whose most typical symptom is the intense itching. Although it can develop at all ages, it is more common in babies and can begin at the age of 2 to 6 months.

It is the second problem of dermatosis in order of frequency, usually between 10 and 20% of the general population in developed countries and is a frequent reason for consultation, not only the dermatologist but also the Primary Care physician.

The main cause which is usually given for the development of it, is to have a personal and family history of allergic manifestations, such as asthma, allergic rhinitis or eczema. In addition, there may also be an alteration of immunity, which causes the immune system to be more stimulated in the account and overreacts to those allergens and irritants.

The symptom which usually appear, are redness in various areas of the skin, especially in the folds behind the knees, inside the elbow, in the armpits and in the English, also appear on the neck and on the backs of feet and hands. In all these cases the affected skin has a pale, thickened, extremely dry appearance, with scaling and even with scabs that appear as a result of scratching.

When we go to dermatologist with the children, this specialist will diagnose the child based on personal or family history of atopic diseases and tests such as immediate reactivity to skin tests, late whitening to cholinergic agents, anterior or posterior subcapsular cataracts, etc.

He care of this type of skin With atopic dermatitis it must be constant, since it is more sensitive to external aggressions. If the acid mantle of the skin is recomposed, it reduces dryness and with it the itching, which is the main symptom. Products that should be used for hygiene should be hypoallergenic and not very irritating, for example, alkaline soaps should be avoided and it is preferable that they have no perfume.

However and as always we recommend, nothing to self-medicate, the most sensible thing is go to the medical specialist that will diagnose us and establish the appropriate treatment for these types of problems.

Video: Eczema atopic dermatitis - causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, pathology (July 2024).