How to distribute meals in infant feeding

Surely you know that of "have breakfast like a king, have lunch like a prince and have dinner like a beggar". It is a maxim to take into account when planning a healthy diet, both for adults and children.

We will talk in detail about how to distribute meals in infant feeding to ensure an adequate contribution of the necessary daily nutrients.

The day begins with a varied breakfast, including a mid-morning snack, continues with lunch, a healthy afternoon snack and finally the day ends with a light and simple dinner.

Breakfast, the most important meal of the day

It is a healthy habit to take the time necessary for children to have a balanced breakfast. It is the first meal of the day and must ensure adequate energy input so that they can perform throughout the day both physically and intellectually.

Although the importance of a good breakfast is highlighted in childhood, more than half of the children do not make a good breakfast.

Between 10 and 15 percent of children do not eat breakfast and between 20 and 30 percent do not eat enough. Not having breakfast properly causes fatigue in children, difficulty concentrating and lack of memory. On the other hand, taking time to have a good breakfast brings benefits: it reduces the state of anxiety, makes children less sick and develops a more positive attitude.

Breakfast should cover between 25 and 30 percent of nutritional needs of the little ones.

A good breakfast should be composed of:

  • Dairy products: a glass of milk, or if the child does not drink milk, a yogurt or a piece of cheese, or a vegetable drink if the children are allergic or intolerant to cow's milk proteins. A teaspoon of sugar (better whole grain) or cocoa can be added to the milk, but not abused.

  • Cereals, better whole grains: bread, toast, breakfast cereals, biscuits or cookies, preferably whole grain cereals. Cookies without chocolate or excess fat (better type Maria) and avoid industrial pastries. Toasts can be spread with cheese or butter and jam or honey, or with a little olive oil. Sometimes you can also add some protein such as some ham or another type of meat.

  • fruit: a fruit, either the whole piece or in natural juice is essential to complete a healthy breakfast.

The mid-morning snack

A light meal in the middle of the morning helps to complete the energy supply they need and not to go hungry until mealtime.

Young children do not eat large amounts (eating varied does not mean eating much) so it is preferable to eat small amounts several times a day.

For the mid-morning snack it is ideal a fruit They can carry in the backpack as an apple, a tangerine, some grapes or an apple. O well a yogurt or snack Ham and cheese.

Lunch or lunch, energy supply

The lunch It represents the biggest energy contribution of the day. It must cover between 30 and 35 percent of daily energy needs.

It is usually composed of a first course formed by pasta, rice, legumes or salad, foods that alternate throughout the week. Legumes combined with cereals represent an important protein contribution, comparable to that of a steak or a fish.

He second course It is usually made up of meats, poultry, fish or eggs accompanied by vegetables, in salad or cooked, or potatoes.

If the meal is accompanied with bread, one or two slices, and better whole wheat bread. From dessert, a piece of fruit or some homemade dessert, such as custard.

The snack, always healthy

The snack is a meal of the day that children love, but that is why we should not stop giving them healthy food.

It should not be a very abundant mealWell, at dinner time they won't be hungry. You should nurture them without being a heavy meal, so it is a good opportunity to supplement your diet with healthy products.

You can offer them a fruit, whole or in juice (remember the importance of the five daily fruits and vegetables), a sandwich or a sandwich of cheese, of turkey meat. The dishes presented in an attractive way always attract children's attention, so I suggest this apple and cheese caterpillar as a fun snack.

The dinner, light and simple

Dinner should not be taken too late, and it has to be simple and light so that children can properly digest and rest well.

Dinner has to balance the food of the rest of the day, so when preparing it will have to take into account what they have eaten throughout the day. If the child eats at school, he sends the menu to the families to be able to supplement the child's diet the rest of the day.

Purees and creams of vegetables, soups, rice with a garnish of vegetables, for summer salads, or a light dish of meat, fish or poultry accompanied by vegetables are ideal for dinner.

Photos | healthy lunch ideas, left-hand, traaf In Babies and more | Recommendations for the elaboration of the children's menu: from 6 months to 1 year, from one to two years, Special Infant feeding: recipes for children from three years (II)

Video: Starting Solid Food for Babies. How to Prepare Food for Baby Led Weaning (July 2024).