For Isabel

Last Friday the course ended at our school, and the day was full of emotions. My daughter cried because she has finished the stage of Early Childhood Education and will not have Isabel as a teacher again, my son had the crying content (although he managed to drop some tears) because one of his two best friends was returning to his home country ...

I was also excited because I read a farewell speech at the graduation ceremony of sixth-grade children who say goodbye to school and go to the Institute (so small and full of plans for the future). I went with two partners on behalf of the AMPA and we also gave them a small gift. Among them applause, hugs with teachers and a throw of mortarboards made of cardboard.

But let's go back to Isabel, This is a small tribute to a comprehensive, caring, and above all very receptive teacher. And I emphasize this last characteristic because whenever I have sat down to talk with her I have had the realization that I could tell her anything (always with education, of course) without her becoming defensive. The mothers had met a few weeks before to organize a gift that would consist in a children's photo album with drawings and dedications included. They wanted to include an introduction from all of us (mothers and children) and I gave myself to write it, but not before hearing all the ideas they wanted to give me.

I want to share the writing with you, (Isabel does not care either), and I want to do it because surely many of you feel the same, and also because for me it is very important to express emotions, and even more when we feel saturated by them.

“This is the memory of the students who started the Infant stage in 2009: During this time we have been very happy learning by your side, and we have discovered many new things. And if you think you have only taught us to read, add, know our environment better or improve our writing ... you are very wrong.

Because we are also better classmates thanks to you, and We have discovered that we can resolve differences by talking and not fighting. The students love you because you are patient and understanding, mothers like to always be willing to communicate.

We would like you to always have us in your heart, because after all you are part of our lives. Surely you will never forget this promotion because your life has also been marked by changes: you have married and now you are about to be a mom.

This seems like a farewell, but it really isn't because We hope to visit you often to the Children's classroom... However, when the course is over, you must take care of one very important thing, which is taking care of yourself, having your baby and petting him.

From September from our classroom of the building of the greats, we will remember the Infant teacher, and while we subtract, we learn history or discover how the machines work ... we will dream that we are small again and we are again in the children's class (as if time had not passed).

When you see us again we will be bigger, and until then we send you a big hug. We want you to know that you have been very important to us. We love you”.

Now I would like to add that Isabel has been especially important for us because of our way of seeing the world: The girl joined in the second year (by family decision) and her teacher managed to integrate it into an already formed group. It is also very favorable to dialogue and conflict resolution, decisively intervening in the face of injustices, and this is very important.

Thank you for having accompanied my daughter these two courses, and I wish you much happiness and health with the girl you will have in a few weeks.

Video: For Isabel (July 2024).