Enterprising mom, don't forget to rest

Working from home becoming an entrepreneurial mother is a dream, but dreams must also leave time for what work is not. My advice is this: enterprising mom, don't forget to rest.

The importance of rest

Rest is as important as work, in fact, if you are not resting you will not perform well. That's why it's important, each according to your needs, schedule breaks and relaxing moments: a walk, sport, play with the children, watch a television show that we like, read a while or chat with a friend.

In addition, I recommend that you take it at least one day a week. It is very good to disconnect and spend the whole day without labor obligations and, if possible, without connecting the computer or to distract you. The children also appreciate a family day of exclusive dedication just for them.

You also have to train to detect when we are exhausted. If the head hurts, the eyes burn and we begin to make absurd mistakes that make us go slower, it is better to stop for a while, clear, and then return with renewed energies.

Tomorrow we publish the interview with coach Azucena Caballero who is an expert in advising mothers who want to start their own entrepreneurship and will explain more keys to achieve it.

Do not miss it because we are going to talk precisely with an expert in helping other mothers start their business and also about the organization of time and care of the house, to better take advantage of our tasks.

With a good organization it is much easier to achieve the goal of becoming an entrepreneurial mom who has her own online business and works from home, but as important as that is to know how to keep our space and work time and then have more free time. to enjoy attending to our family and developing our personal life. For entrepreneurial mothers, not all that matters is work. Don't forget to rest.